4: Beatrice

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When I woke up, I was in a bed. 

Oh, good! It was all a dream! My mind relaxed.

I groaned and rubbed my eyes. I sat up and looked around.

The place wasn't my bedroom.

Just when I thought it was a dream...

The place looked like a hospital room. Before I had to take more of the whiteness, the door opened. 

"Good morning - or rather - good evening. How are you feeling?"


Formal much?

"Don't know?" I replied, looking at the person who the voice belonged to.

"How can you not know? It's your body after all," he replied, smiling.

I shrugged, not bothering to answer.

The person was tall, around 6, I think. He had dark hair and blue eyes. He was quite muscly and had a tattoo on his neck. 

"Take a pic, it'd last longer," he laughed.

I checked my pockets. "No phone, sorry," I replied.

Just then, the door opened again and a girl who introduced herself as Kayla (she was pretty cheerful) told me she'd check up on my health and that I'm probably okay.


I didn't say anything throughout the session, but she did ask me questions where I could answer with a nod or a shake of head. Then she asked my name. Why must I speak?

"Beatrice," I answered.

"Mhm, so Beatrice, good news: you are ready to go." Kayla grinned at me.

"Go where?" I asked blankly.

I didn't know where the fuck I was.

"Right - you don't know," she said and looked at the other person in the room, "Blake, you will tell her. And-" 

The Blake person interrupted her, "I know, I know-" and looked at me before saying, "-Come on."

I got down and walked out. The place was like a hospital. The outside had little flowers bloomed around them. They were nice, I guess.

"So, we are at Camp Half-Blood," he said.

"A camp? Is it summer? Although I usually don't do camps," I replied, a little confused.

He sighed. "No, it's a place for half-bloods - usually Greeks."

"I see," I replied, "So why am I here?"

"You are a half-blood-" he replied.

I cut him off, "What is a half-blood?"

"Child of a god and human-" he told me.

"In other words, I'm crazy, you are crazy, everyone here is crazy." I said, raising an eyebrow.

"You could say that, I suppose?" he looked confused.


"Alright then. Let's all have parties with vodka because we are crazy..." I suggested, looking at him.

"Let's not."

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