Stuck With You | Kang Haerin

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Y/n's pov

Ugh. Out of all the people I am stuck with in a cramped room.


"Can you stop glaring at me? I know I'm beautiful," she retorted, flipping her hair with a smirk.

"Who told you that? Want me to knock some sense into you?" I threatened, scoffing at her confidence, and she rolled her eyes at me.

"Ugh, when will they get here? It's been an hour! I thought they said they'll be here soon," Haerin complained, irritated.

Clearly, those idiots lied.


Meanwhile, on the other hand, the group was excited about a new restaurant.

"Yah, yah, look! A new restaurant just opened!" Hanni pointed out.

"Omg, let's gaur see what they're selling!" Danielle suggested, eager to explore.

"But what about Y/n and Haerin? Leaving them, they'd be at each other's throats. World War 3 would start between those two," Minji said, making the others stop.

"Meh, they'll figure it out. Come on!" Hyein, the youngest of the group insisted, leading them into the restaurant.

Back with Y/n and Haerin, frustration and tension escalated.


"Where the hell are they!? My patience is running out!" I fumed. Those idiots are still not here, and it's already been half an hour.

"Can you wait? You're making me lose my patience too," Haerin shot back, clearly irritated by my behaviour.

"Well, if only you didn't try to lock the door, I wouldn't be stuck with you!" I yelled, fueling the argument.

"I told you! I didn't lock it!" she argued.

"Then who did? The ghost? oOhH~ I'm scared. Mom, please come pick me up. This is all your fault!" I mocked.

Furious, Haerin stood up, approaching me. "What are you doing? Don't come any closer, freak!" I spat, backing away.

"I told you I didn't do it!" Haerin said, continuing to approach me but suddenly stumbled onto something, making her fall on top of me.


Wincing from the pain in my toosh, I let out a groan and opened my eyes only to find Haerin's face dangerously close to mine. Her warm breath brushed against my lips as I felt myself turning red.

Haerin groaned as well, and when our eyes met, she realized how awkward our position was, and her eyes got wide in shock. Our cheek turned equally red as we both felt pretty embarrassed.

"T-this is just great! Now I have to deal with your clumsiness too? I can't believe I'm stuck with someone as annoying as you," I grumbled, trying to push her off.

"Oh, please! You're not exactly a ray of sunshine yourself. Could you be any more dramatic? I didn't trip on purpose, and for the record, it was your big feet that tripped me!" Haerin snapped, pushing herself up and standing.

"Sure, just like you didn't lock the door on purpose, right? And my feet are perfectly fine, thank you very much. It's your lack of coordination that's the problem," I retorted, dusting myself as I crossed my arms, not backing down in this argument.

Haerin scoffed, "Coming from someone who can't even handle a simple disagreement without throwing a tantrum."

"At least I don't go around thinking I'm the queen of everything," I snapped.

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