Letter #7

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Dear GOD,

Today has been an eventful day. I learned more about the Holy Trinity that I didn't know. I learned that the Holy Sprit has been with me for as long as I have lived. Every time I feel a breeze go by. I will think of you, and how much you care about me. I also want to tell you about who I saw today. I haven't seen in a very long time. I saw my boy friend, I am so thankful you have let some one as kind and thoughtful into my life. The more I think about it, the more I want to thank you. I also, recently, made a new friend and she is very kind. She liked one of my letters and told me a little about her.

I never should have doubted the kindness and love you have for me.

Yours always,



Hey there, it's me, I just want to thank all of you for reading my letters. Please comment about how GOD has helped you in your life.

Yours truly,


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