A zombie bumps into the glass outside right in front of her and she shrieks as it groans and scratches the glass, eager for our flesh. She jumps away from the door and my heart pounds at the gruesome sight. Half its face is torn off and part of his skull is sticking out.

Blood smears against the glass. Coral looks like she's going to cry. "Our only exit is blocked!" She exclaims. "We'll worry about it later. Let's just get the food." Instructs Jay. He pulls me with him and Coral scurries behind us, not wanting to be left alone.

I hear a groan and shuffling to see two zombies on our right approaching us. "Run!" We run into random aisles and bump into more zombies. "Oh no." Says Coral as she presses up against me.

I spot bread not too far away and an empty cart. "Jay, Coral and I will fight the zombies. You get the food." I tell him. He glances at me and I point to the bread. "Just go. We need to be quick." A large group of zombies is approaching us. He grabs the crowbar from me. "You do it."

Without a second glance, I rush for the cart and grab it before putting it next to the bread and throwing in about seven loaves before I push the cart near the fridges where I spot more useful items. I throw in butter and four cartons of milk. I contemplate whether taking a six pack of yogurt is necessary when I spot Jay and Coral behind me. There are zombies following them.

I throw the yogurt in and run forward, pushing the cart. There's a zombie blocking my path to the cheese and I push it hard with the cart sending it flying back. It scrambles back up. "What are you still looking for?!" Asks Coral as I reach for a large block of cheese. "Snacks!" I call out as I run past the zombie and look through the aisles.

Coral was wrong about this place. It's not deserted, it's swarming with zombies and they're coming for us, fast. I reach the chips aisle and throw in lots of chips, sweets and chocolate.

I have a feeling I'm gonna be craving a lot of chocolate. I run to the porridge aisle and grab three boxes of cocoa pops before throwing it in the cart. A zombie grabs onto my jersey and I jerk away from its mouth. I kick it as hard as I can in its stomach - which is difficult while pregnant - and bump against the cart.

Coral sees me first and she runs up behind the zombie, lifting up her arm with the stiletto. She brings the heel down on the zombie's head and it lodges in. I pull away from its grasp and push the cart getting coffee, tea, peanut butter and apricot jam. "I've got enough!" I shout out.

Jay and Coral appear, both covered in blood, and I'm thinking the worst.

I hope that's not their blood.

I maneuver my way through zombies and slam into some, knocking them on the ground. I reach the doors and thankfully there's no zombie in front. I'm about the push the door open when a zombie grabs onto my arm. I push it away and it falls to the ground before coming up with a series of cracks.

It hisses at me and I wince. Its mouth is wide open with blood oozing out down its chin. Its leg is bent in an angle yet it continues to shuffle toward me. Its milky white eyes bore into mine and it pushes me down and I knock my head against the cart.

I hiss out in pain and push my arms against the zombie's chest as it snaps at me, trying to bite my face, unaware that if it moves just an inch lower then it'll get my arm.

A loud bang rings through the air.

A gunshot.

I watch it catch the zombie's attention. I push it off and spot Jay out of the corner of my eye. He pulls me up and Coral opens the door. Jay pushes the cart out and I run out behind him with Coral following me.

I sigh in relief at being out of danger.

For now.

Jay assess the items in the bag and Coral flops down on the ground looking at the group of zombies against the door, desperate to come out.

Another shot rings through the air. "Seems like they found weapons." She says as she pants. "This is good. Let's go." Says Jay.

My feet, calves and lungs are burning. "I don't think I can run much more." I announce trying to catch my breath. Jay comes beside me and places a hand on my back. "I'm sorry Darcy. You okay?"

I nod. "I'll be fine. Can we just walk for now?" He nods. "When we reach the forest, I want you two to go back to the wall and inside. I'll go help the others." I don't want him to go. I said earlier that as long as he's touching me I'll be okay but now he actually wants to leave. "Are you sure?" I manage to ask. "I have to help but I swear I'll get back soon. I promise." He lifts my hand up to his lips and kisses it.

He places a hand on my bump and I'm surprised. "You'll be okay. I'll be okay." I nod and Coral gets up. She starts pushing the cart and I walk next to her. There are multiple shots now. A zombie stumbles out in front of us. Its head is hanging to one side and its running toward us.

Coral slams the cart into it and I spot more coming our way. Jay runs ahead and hits as many as I he can in the head with the crowbar. "Run!" He tells us and we obey. I hold onto the cart as we run and soon we reach the forest. I let Coral go first down the path and I follow behind her. We reach the clearing and the door. I rush past and push it open, letting Coral and I in.

Dystopian zombie eraWhere stories live. Discover now