She and Mal exchanged curtsies in respect. Adam motioned for the guards to take Hades away, " Oh, yeah. " He scoffed but didn't resist as the guards led him out. Mal walked out after them. I hugged Audrey and finally relaxed. Later that day, We alongside the rest of the school gathered outside where the magical bridge to the Isle began. " You look beautiful, as always. " I complemented my girlfriend. " Nice to see your good side is back to being good. " Evie joked while wrapping her arms around my keck. " Ha. Ha, " I relented, stealing a kiss from her. " Lady Mal and I wana thank you for celebrating our engagement with us today. " Ben said to us from above. He looked to Mal. " I couldn't be prouder or happier to call you my Queen. So, raise your glasses.To our future Queen of Auradon. "

We all smiled and raised our non alcoholic drinks. " To our Queen of Auradon! " We shouted. " It should've been me, not him. " Zevon grumbled. " Don't worry friends.I'll serve real drinks when I become King of Hearts! " I added, making the crowd chuckle.

" Speech, your special-ness " Carlos requested. " Speech, your fancy one. " Jay jokingly added. We laughed once more and looked to Mal. " I can'r. " Mal said blatantly. Huh? I and everyone else stared in confusion. " I can't be Queen of Auradon. " Mal stated. " Mal. " Ben said. " I can't turn my back on the Isle. " Mal affirmed. " We made a decision... To close the barrier forever. And it was my idea. But it's wrong. I've learned... That you can't live in fear... because it doesn't actually protect you from anything.

You never knew where the bad is gonna come from. And you never know where the heroes are gonna come from. Without Uma and her pirates, Auradon would be gone. And without Hades... My father... Audrey would be gone. We are all capable of good and bad, no mater which side of the barrier we come from. " Mal turned and faced Ben. " And that's why I can't be Queen of just Auradon. I have to be Queen of the Isle, too. And it's time that we take the barrier down forever. " She reasoned.

" We can't do that. " Adam argued. " It's up to us, Dad. " Ben said before looking back down to us. Oh well, he wants to risk all the villains seeking revenge than that's on him. I'll just rebuild the Hearts military and mind my own buissness. " I choose to be a king who moves forward. It's time for forgiveness. It's time for new beginnings. The barrier will come down! " The king declared. " Yes! Woohoo! " Carlos celebrated. I clapped weakly and did my best to fit in. " Bring it down, Mal. " Ben said. Everyone resumed clapping and cheering so I reluctantly joined in. Fairy Godmother handed Mal the wand. She motioned us to join her. We walked up and joined her. Evie looked like she was gonna cry in joy.

" To make the world a better place... " She started. " We have to do it face to face. " My friends chanted except me. A magical beam fired from the wand. Once it hit the barrier, it became visible then disintegrated. A bridge to the Isle also formed. " The crowd moved to greet their Isle counterparts. " I don't agree with this, but I'll help if it makes you happy. " I said to Evie. " Thank you. " She said happily. Mal walked over to the edge.

It's time to bring it together

Time for a brand new start

We gonna put it in motion

Break down what keeps us apart

No more, no division we down!

New team, got the vision, unite!

So we stand, now we living marching

In the light, one two, one two like

I see you (You see me)

Imperfect (Perfectly)

Face to face we can see clearly our similarities!

Like day and night, wrong or right

Prince of Hearts: Evie X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now