D3 Part 2

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(Note from Nironus: Just in case you don't know who Zevon was, he was the main villain of the Descendants Wicked World show)

(Third Person)

(YN) waited alongside his girlfriend, Evie with all the other students at the front of the school for King Ben and Mal to deliver an address before they went to the Isle to pick up their fellow V.Ks. " Here they come. " Evie said. We all clapped as the happy couple took the stands and waved to us. Audrey and her grandmother, Queen Leah stood across from the pair in the crowd. Audrey didn't look happy to be there but her face brightened when she looked to (YN). The Prince of Hearts smiled happily but unsurely to her. Her new hairstyle was still foreign to his eyes. " Bippity-bobbity, one, two, one, two. " Fairy Godmother said, testing the mic. " Can everybody hear me? " The loud excitement answered the question for her. She handed the mic to Ben. " What's up Auradon? " He called out. " Thank you. Thank you so much for coming out to welcome our new arrivals. They'll be here soon. " Queen Leah turned her head to Audrey.

" Not like we had a choice. " She said. " It worked out pretty well for the first four. " Ben stated jokingly. " Yeah, especially for you. " Chad yelled back just to be silenced by Audrey. " Very funny. " She seethed. " Mal, this is the exact spot we first met so long ago. I feel like I've known you my whole time. " Ben said lovingly. " But did I mention I'm in love with you? " We all smiled and gazed at the happy couple. Doug started to play a song on his guitar.

I met this girl

That rocked my world

Like it's never been rocked

And now I'm living just for her and I won't ever stop

I never thought that it could happen to a guy like me

Ben kneeled before Mal. " Is he actually? " (YN) thought.

But now look at what you've done

You got me down on my knee.

" Mal, it's you and me. It's you and me forever. Will you marry me? Will you be my queen? " Ben proposed. " He actually is! " (YN) thought happily. " No! " Audrey cried out. " Yes. " Mal gasped. " Let's go! " I congratulated as everyone cheered. Queen Leah and Chad had to hold Audrey as she nearly fainted. Ben got up and slipped the gold wedding ring with a purple sapphire onto Mal's finger. " I love you. " Evie said to (YN). " I love you too. " The Prince of Hearts said as he caressed her cheek with his palm then leaned in and kissed her. Queen Leah looked at the surrounding crowd then turn to her daughter, her arms crossed in disappointment. " A lifetime of plans, gone. " She said the turned to her granddaughter. " Our family status, gone. Audrey, you were supposed to be his Queen, and you let him slip through your fingers. I would've forgiven you if you ended up with that (YN) boy now that his royal status was restored but look how that went too. Your mother could hold a prince in her sleep. " Audrey wasn't feeling any better by those comments. " Don't you think I feel bad enough, Grammy? " She asked sarcastically.

Audrey glanced to (YN), Evie happy in his arms. She had never wanted to reach out to him this bad since they were together. Someone behind her shouted about how great it would be to have Mal as their new queen. " You'd really rather have a V.K on the throne than me? What is wrong with you people! " The daughter of Aurora snapped. " What is wrong with everybody? " (YN), Carlos, Jay, and Doug went to congratulate their ruler and friend. " I'm engaged, man. " Ben said happily as Mal went and hugged her new in-laws, Belle and Adam the former beast. " Oh, sweetie. I'm so happy for you both. " Fairy Godmother congratulated. " Thank you so much, Fairy Godmother. I think she liked it. " Ben whispered. " Bippity-boppity you betcha. " She replied. " All bow to her Royal Majesty. " Jay said jokingly while doing an exaggerated bow. " Oh yes, her Royal Purple-ness. Carlos joked while doing the same. " Jay, you are a royal pain in the ass. " (YN) said. The son of Jafar, Carlos, and Evie took misinterpreted him and laughed on. " Silence, you annoying peasants. " Mal joked on. " As you wish, my liege. " Jay agreed. " Your Crankiness. " The son of Cruella joked. (YN) looked to Mal and Audrey conversing. It wasn't looking friendly to his eyes.

Prince of Hearts: Evie X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now