More photos but also a question

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More photos big surprise there but I have a question
If you were to read a BOTW fanfic where Link actually died, would you like the new chosen hero to be a pre existing character or would you rather it be an X reader where you're the new hero?

I'm writing a fanfic pls help

I'm writing a fanfic pls help

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This is so cute I know wheee this is from but I can't remember at the moment

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This is so cute I know wheee this is from but I can't remember at the moment

This is so cute I know wheee this is from but I can't remember at the moment

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Okay also go follow my other account that I actually use cause I abandoned this one @itwasascooterboy Pls god be the right user and not some rando

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Okay also go follow my other account that I actually use cause I abandoned this one @itwasascooterboy
Pls god be the right user and not some rando

Legend of Zelda memes because my life is in shamblesWhere stories live. Discover now