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It's not like she's going to jail for this. Yeah, she's not really going to jail for this, because, after all, the iPod that she's holding, and the sweater that she had just borrowed slash stole was from her best friend for almost twelve years, Jisoo Kim.

It's not like this was her first time stealing clothes from Jisoo, but it's sure to be her first time holding an iPod she doesn't recognize. She had only found out it was from Jisoo when the raven had told her that she could use it to find something informative for their project since Chaeyoung had forgotten to bring her laptop along with her.

And of course, Chaeyoung, being a forgetful person, had also failed to realize that she had taken the iPod along with the sweater. Damn her forgetful mind.

Chaeyoung sighs, stomping her feet on the floor the moment she arrives. How is she supposed to return these now? She had promised to spend her time at Lisa's house to help the Thai pursuing her best friend's once in a lifetime love life tomorrow.

And even if she attempted to return it tomorrow along with Lisa, she knew Jisoo wouldn't let her go so easily, and Lisa would end up drifting away in the process. Then Lisa would tease her endlessly for being such a whip at Jisoo. As much as she hated it whenever Lisa teased her about it, it would be a lie to say she didn't get butterflies in her stomach whenever she saw the smile on the raven's lips.

Chaeyoung's kryptonite, after all, was Jisoo's warm cuddles, sloppy kisses on her cheeks, and smiles.

I'm sure Jisoo wouldn't mind me holding her iPod for the weekend, right?

Yeah, It's not like Jisoo would die for not having her iPod for the weekends. After all, the raven wasn't really interested in playing games on her iPod unless it was used for listening to some songs Chaeyoung didn't know about.

Speaking of music, Chaeyoung's eyebrow lit up and she glanced at her best friend's iPod. If there was something Chaeyoung was so curious about and eager to find out, it would be Jisoo's taste in music. Sure, they've been friends for the longest time, but Chaeyoung had never really caught a glimpse of the older girl's music taste.

Though she does hear Jisoo humming some songs, she's only sure that it was just some piano pieces created by some famous pianists that Chaeyoung isn't really familiar with.

Chaeyoung lets her fingertips collide with the screen and go to Jisoo's spotify account.

Okay, knowing Jisoo, the raven woman, would probably find no sense in purchasing a premium account when you can just browse some playlists to play the song you like, but then everyone has a surprise under their sleeves.

Chaeyoung widens her eyes in disbelief when she sees the word "premium" in bold capital letters beside Jisoo's weird username.

Okay, that's totally a first.

She doesn't expect that, nonetheless. She shoots her eyebrows up when she sees the recently played songs.

Okay, she had totally not known that Jisoo adored Doja Cat.

Chaeyoung couldn't help, but find herself smirking as she recalled one time Lisa and she had a bet about Jisoo having at least one sinful song on which the raven listened.

Apparently, it looks like she won that bet they had. Chaeyoung took a mental note to tell Lisa about it tomorrow.

The next thing she did was to listen to anything she wanted. The perks of having a rich friend? They can use their Spotify account without fear of being charged.No, really, Chaeyoung was just kidding, nonetheless. She's going to start using Jisoo's account starting today.

sweaters and ipodsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora