Lazarbeam slowly opens his eyes.

"No, please, not again"

"I'm sorry, I can't do anything to stop him. He'll throw me in with you if I don't"

Punz cuffs Lazar's hands and leads him to the main room. Dream is already locking Vikkstar in his cage. Punz guides him up stage and locks him in too.

I'm sorry.


Punz nods.

He grabs two copies of the Revival Book and writes down Lazar and Vik.

"Ready" he holds them over the lava.

Dream raises his hands so each one points to one of their cages. He smirks at their terrified faces.

Dream shoots a bolt of lightening at the cage. The electricity darts up the metal bars. They both scream in agony and Punz winces.

Dream cackles, his laughter echoing around the base but staying underground.

Within minutes, both have died.

Dream laughs as he feels the power enter his body.

"That feels good. Now revive them"

Punz obeys, dropping both books into the lava.

Vik and Lazar both appear again, dazed and sad.

Dream laughs as more power rushes through him.

"Let's go again shall we?" He smiles at Punz which makes him feel sick to his core.

Please Y/N, only you can stop him.


Y/N fights off the endermen. They started a rebellion months ago and she wasn't able to leave since they reproduced so quickly.

"Just give up!" She blasts some water onto the ground, sending them all back. A dozen more are already running towards her.

"What's that?"

A small bird is flying towards her.

She jumps up into the air and catches the bird. It's weak and hurt, a letter tied to its ankle.

"Who sent you?" She whispers. The bird gives a feeble squawk before it turns cold.

Y/N stares at its lifeless body before dropping it to the ground below. She rips open the envelope and scans the letter.

No, it's just what I feared.

Dear Y/N,

Please, please tell me this letter reached you. I've been sending dozens but my birds never come back. You don't know what's been happening. It's so bad. Dream has become addicted to power. He's been using the Revival Book to revive and kill people for power. He kidnapped Vik and Lazar and is keeping them in a secret base. He made me help him. I had to, or he'd do the same to me. Please, Dream's changed so much, he's nothing what he used to be like. Help me. You're the only one that can save us all.

𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒩𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉𝓂𝒶𝓇𝑒𝓈 - Dream x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now