Part 2

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Sorry for the lack of Jack's POV on part 1... Please let me know what you think, this is my first fanfic, please don't be rude, just be constructive. Thank you for reading.

Jack's POV

I swear to god, if I have to sit with these crying babies for any longer I'm going to scream. I am on my way to PAX East and to see my Youtube friends for the first time ever. I have 2 more hours on this flight and I can already tell I am going to have serious jet lag. How's Mark doing? Crap. Why am I thinking about him and his beautiful face, his dark brown eyes, they're like 2 black holes of beauty, they suck in any and all who actually look in, it is most definite you'll get lost in them, but sadly for me, it was my heart that took the fall for all my feelings. I can feel myself loosing track of all around me until- "Sir, you have to get up, the flight is over."
"Oh yes ma'am, I am so sorry"
Off the plane I go, I walk my way to find my friends waiting for me when I turn around looking amoungst the croud and see Mark with a giant paper sign that reads: "Sean Mcloghlin. AKA My best friend." Oh gosh.. He's even more beautiful in person and this time I can't hide my blush behind a computer screen.

Mark's POV

Waiting for Jack since my flight had already landed was gut wrenching, I was afraid that Jack wouldn't recognize me so I wrote a sign with his name on it, just like how it is shown on those sappy movies.
Oh god. I see him. Breathe, Mark. Breathe!
Jack approaches me and I automatically go in for a hug, is it weird? Crap, is it too soon to hug him? I can feel my face heating up, well.. There is no hiding it now.
M " Hey Jackaroonie! You're so much shorter in person!"
J "Shut up and walk Markimoo."
When he called me Markimoo you could hear his smirk, was he... blushing? Nah, he couldn't be, he only thinks of me as Markiplier, not boyfriend material. I knock off my train of thought and we have conversations about our family, videos, and Youtube as we make our way to get Jack's luggage.

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