Chapter 4 - Sexual Tension

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The first few days were filled with tests and assessments, a few unlucky volunteers were my guinea pigs as I demonstrated to Tony what my ability is actually like, before I officially was allowed on the team as a probationary member. As soon as that happened, my temporary housing there became permanent and then it was daily training. 

Training consisted of some minor hand-to-hand basics, since I have a mental power, I don’t need to overly train with combat skills, just need the basics in the event something went wrong. When I was recovering from my physical workouts I’d have to run through old social media video clips of attacks, security footage, just a bunch of ‘research’ to prepare for what could possibly happen on a mission. Although one can never be truly prepared for how things go, it’s best to get somewhat of an idea. 

I’ve tried my best to stay away from Bucky, I don’t trust myself around him. He’s way too attractive and I need to treat my time here seriously. Living here is far better than where I was. He only happened to fill in once with my hand to hand when Nat was otherwise busy. He went hard on me, harder than I think I was ready for, but when he saw that he pushed me a bit too far, he switched to me being on the bag, rather than hitting him. He’s so hot and cold. One minute he’s yelling at me telling me that I’d never make it out there, and then the next he’s grabbing my hips, pushing his knee between my thighs to get a better stance. Normally, that would be helpful, but in the way he did it, let’s just say he knew exactly what he was doing. Thankfully, Nat appeared and said she’d take over. I’d have to remember to thank her later.

After just another 15 minutes, she could see that Bucky had worked me way too intensely and offered to take a break and maybe make some recovery smoothies. Of course Bucky was in the kitchen as well, eating yogurt, along with Sam. 

He made sure to catch my eye before lifting the foil lid to his tongue to lick it clean ever so slowly, taking multiple swipes, ensuring his eyes don’t leave mine. And if those aren’t ‘fuck me’ eyes, I don’t know what are. If he wasn’t so damn attractive, it would have been creepy.

I get lost in what it would feel like to have that beautiful face between my thighs, licking just the way he licked that yogurt lid, eyes meeting mine as he looks up at me through the space between my breasts. 

“J, earth to J” Nat says, snap jaring me out of my delicious, mouth watering day dream.

“See something you like, doll?” Bucky confidently hums, now licking the spoon clean, ensuring to twist it to have his tongue glide along the curvature of the head. 

He obviously saw me stare a bit too long in his direction. I can’t give in to this easily. Not this quick. I’ve also got to live with this man, I can’t be mixing business with pleasure before the first week is up. 

“Keep dreaming metal man,” as I sauntered out of the kitchen, trying to keep my blush to myself before anyone noticed.

“Hard to get, I enjoy a challenge,” he purrs as I walk out.

“That’s not hard to get, Bucky,” Sam chimes in, “That’s never going to get so stop trying.”

“Bet?” Bucky confidently asks.

“No, I’m not betting on anything,” Sam shuts him down, “She’s been through enough and doesn’t deserve to get wrapped up in your flavor of the week, day or whatever. Leave it be.”

I popped back in the door, “Oh, and Shelia at the front desk is wondering why you haven’t returned her calls.” I say with a mock sad face pouty lip included as I return back to the kitchen to grab my forgotten smoothie. I had seen her that morning when I went down to check if I had received my package that Stanlee had texted me about.

“I’ve got my eye on someone else, doll, can’t make everyone’s dream come true, need to break a few hearts in the process.”

“Disgusting. Do you hear yourself?” I said with a fake gag after it. This is going to be harder than I thought.

As hot as Bucky was, he was becoming quite persistent. Anytime I saw him it was some sexualized joke or position he’d manage to get me in. Managing to insert himself in between my legs if I was on a counter, wiping off food from my lip with his thumb, then licking it clean, everything he did had some provocativeness. Even cornered me in the elevator with his arms on the wall on both sides of my head, leaning in until we were so close I had to turn my head to prevent our lips from touching.

At first I played the game along with him, I also enjoyed a challenge, and it was fun to turn him on and then turn him down immediately. It was a thrill and I’ve had my fair share of flirty behavior so it didn’t make me uncomfortable.  He’d pretend to be hurt or disappointed. He’s just so damn attractive that the sexual tension built day by day. 

But as more days passed, I realized being here was different than when I was out on my own. I was growing to like everyone on the team, especially Nat, all becoming family in some sort of messed up way. They cared about each other and were so welcoming towards me, I wanted the relationship they all shared. Where everyone has each other’s back and you don't fear being abandoned. You can fight and disagree and it doesn’t lead to demise, you work it out because you are a team and you’re there for each other.

Even though I was still sleeping alone at night in my own bed, it was comforting to know that there were people outside of my walls that somewhat cared for me, so I didn’t feel it necessary to fill my bed with some unknown person. That void just wasn’t as present since I arrived.  I felt comfortable reaching out to them when I needed it, which is something I haven’t felt in a long time.

I didn’t want something between Bucky and I to destroy the hope for what I had. If anything did go wrong, they’d forsure pick his side, they’ve known him much longer than me. He’s been Steve’s best friend for triple the amount of years I’ve been alive. And I didn’t even know if that was something they allowed here, I hadn’t yet heard of anyone on the team hooking up before. The longer I kept up with my resistance though, the more spiteful he would become in the days that followed. I had a good feeling he wasn’t used to being told no, or at least not for this long. I would assume the sexual tension was getting to him just as it was to me.  

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