Chapter 3 - We're All Weirdos

Start from the beginning

Sam grabbed my hand with a ‘come on’ motion so we could keep up with the rest of our meet and greets. Traveling up a floor, we came across Natasha and Steve arguing about Steve needing to take ‘Tina’ out as they casually ate lunch in the common area. Another mental note that I’d have to ask Sam to point out Tina, just out of pure curiosity. Natasha was drop dead gorgeous. Striking red hair, luscious full lips in a seductive pout, the effortless beauty type. I attempted to hide my immediate jealousy of her and subconsciously searched to find some sort of flaw. Steve was super nice, tall, classically handsome, with sultry blue eyes. Incredible body, hugged tight with his gray t-shirt and fitted jeans. I knew he was Captain America and I tried not to go all fan girl, keeping it cool. I laughed a bit too hard when Nat said she had to return the fossil to the Smithsonian and asked if I knew what time it closed.

Sam ushered me off to meet up with ‘Wanda’ and ‘Bucky.’ Bucky? What kind of name was that?

We approached a younger woman, who I can only assume was the Wanda he referenced, throwing cinder blocks apparently telepathically? With elegant waves of her hands and arms, vibrant red firelike swirls carried each one up and over to be demolished by a man. So this was ‘Bucky’, the farthest thing from what I had originally pictured.

Sediment gathering on the mat, even through the gray dust cloud, I could make out that he was the hottest man I’d ever had the pleasure of laying my eyes on. Shirtless, the best type, he wore gray sweatpants that rode low, accentuating the curvature of his hips dipping into that desirable ‘V’. Muscular build, sweat glistening on his body, reflecting the fluorescent lights above. Graceful for such a well built specimen. And a prosthetic arm? Is that metal? Whatever it is, it’s high tech, plates adjusting and aligning, moving just as methodically as it’s counterpart. Doesn’t surprise me, this whole place is screaming with tech and the newest of the new. Hell, Tony Stark’s whole Iron Man suit is just advanced tech.

They pause when they see us and take an opportunity to rehydrate. He grabs a towel  to wipe his face, then chest before draping it over his neck and hanging on to the ends. Wanda barely broke a sweat. Approaching, I accidentally let a ‘fuck me’ slip out under my breath. His eyes snap to me. Did he hear that? There’s no way, I’m still too far off. Sam couldn’t have even heard that and he’s right next to me.

“What was that sweetheart?” Bucky gives me a devilishly handsome smile, accentuating his chiseled jawline, playfully tilting his head to the side. Gosh, he’s even hotter up close if that was even possible. My knees threaten to buckle and my breath hitches. 

He’s trouble, I can tell, that look is no good. I’ve seen it too many times before, hell I’ve given that look before. After Stanlee left, the emptiness consumed me. I tried haphazardly to fill it, anyway I could. I tried different groups, joining a gym, cooking classes, even book clubs. Anything that would result in me spending as little time alone as I could. 

Nights were the worst though, the nightmares, waking up to an empty bed. No one to curl up against or have an arm slung over me for security. Nothing compares to the feeling of being alone when you don’t want to be alone. It was like the quietest personal hell to live through. I craved intimacy to wash away the abandonment, it temporarily filled the hole inside me, even if it was just for the night. I just needed to get through until the next day as those were much easier to fill and keep my mind occupied. So, I resorted to filling my bed nightly with someone, usually men, and occasionally a few hot masc lesbians. And I went through a lot of them. Far more than I’d ever want to admit. I didn’t want a relationship, that would mean having to share about my past resulting in them probably feeling sorry for me. I wasn’t some pathetic charity case that needed the pity. No, I just wanted something to make me feel good for the night, a warm body to wake up to.

Clueless on how to actually take someone home at first, I felt despicable when I had to resort to my powers to lure someone in. It was a horrible guilt, I all but vomited the next day on how disgusting it made me feel. Vowing to never do it again, I became really good at the game. Flirting, sexual inuendos, seducing, what to say, how to say it, what to dress like, you name it. And with this fine ass piece of man meat, I was going to pull out all the stops.

“Bucky, Wanda, this is J. She’s the new recruit I was mentioning to you, the one attending my groups with her friend,” Sam said, pointing a finger at Bucky “and Bucky, play nice.”

He smiles, “Of course Sam, I don’t bite… unless they want me to.” Again with the sly devilish smile, displaying perfectly white straight teeth.

Wanda closes her eyes and shakes her head. Grabbing her water bottle, “I’m so sorry for him, we try to keep him on his best behavior in front of newbies, but sometimes in front of beautiful women, he just can’t help himself.” 

I blush thinking she just called me beautiful and can’t stop my thoughts as they drift to him, his hands and tongue gliding up and down my body. Lord snap me in two. Fuck me until we are both dripping wet with sweat. I wonder what that metal arm can do…

Wanda chokes on her water, spitting it out on the mat. “Sorry,” coughing, struggling to get the words out, “I’m fine I just need some air,” continuing to cough, shaking off Bucky’s hand from the whacks on her back.

Passing me on her way out, “It was nice to meet you and I’m sure I’ll see you later,” she leans in closer, “Your thoughts are very loud. You should try a bit harder to keep them to yourself,” whispering with a petite smile and quick pat on my shoulder. 

Embarrassed, I can feel the redness spread to my cheeks, returning my gaze to him. It's evident he heard that too as he shrugs his shoulders and smiles confidently, like he can’t blame me for how I feel. 

Super-sonic-hearing-metal-arm-man and a telekinetic mind reader. It all makes sense why Sam brought me here. We’re all weirdos.

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