"I love you too, yoimiya. " Chapter 7

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HI so uh I decided I didn't update enough on the weekend so I'm back in the middle of the week 😊🌹

So nice to see you here (wtf am I doing) Uhm I'm listening to Spotify it's super cool of me

I think that's it sigh

ALSO I uh had to spend like idk a long time in casts like 2 years ago because of an operation I had on my ankles/legs like stretching my muscles I won't go into detail but like I have more experience then none when it comes with leg injuries okay 😦

Side note I accidentally wrote "ganyus pov" instead of ayakas and I found that really funny

Ayakas pov:

I just had to wait like a week until I can go home now, I've had a couple visits from thoma, ayato seems to busy but he sends thoma with little gifts from him, as for yoimiya, I haven't heard anything from her, thoma says she's staying in my room while I'm here, and her father doesn't mind

It's been like 6 or 7 days since the visit and im all ready to go home now, however my leg was pretty messed up and my body should keep warm to avoid any problems, they said I might be more sensitive to cold now and I wont be able to do much on the leg for a long time.

A nurse came in the room

"Ayaka? Someone is here to bring you home now, leave whenever you're ready. "

The nurse left and Thoma walked in

"Ayaka! Are you ready to go? We should leave pretty soon, it's still winter, it will only be colder outside the longer we wait"

"I'm not stupid, I know that. And, please... Dont treat me any differently. I can take care of myself. "

I'd hate for them to treat me differently, as if I'm some weak fragile person, not the one they knew before.

"Of course, I have a blanket if you'd like it. "

"Sure, for my own sake. "

I took the blanket and wrapped it around me, I tied it at the front while Thoma took my bag of stuff.

I could walk, I couldn't run or anything, and of course it was recommended I don't walk much but it was better then nothing

We went to Thomas car and I sat in the back as he drived

"How are you, ayaka? "

"A little nervous, I guess. "

"Really? Why? "

"Ah, maybe just a little fear of mine. "

"Hm. Well shouldn't you be happy about it? "

"Something like that. "

".. Alright. "

I missed them a lot, but again, I don't want them to see me differently, not in this weak state, I'd hate to disappoint anyone, especially myself, but I know I'll need help. It's not something I like to admit.

"Ayaka, we are nearly there, would you like me to enter after you? Ayato is probably in his room but I think yoimiya is waiting in the kitchen. "

"Oh? How sweet of her. If you don't mind, I'd like to spend some time with yoimiya, you can go see Ayato and tell him he can see me in a bit. "

"Alright, of course. " he smiled at me, I smiled back

I felt more happy now, I missed yoimiya.. And our last interaction, it's something..ah, it doesn't matter.

When we got there, Thoma opened the door and let me in first, I walked in and he waved as we went past me to ayatos room.

Yoimiya saw him and looked a little confused, but then she saw me and she looked so joyful, so pretty.

"Ayaka!! I missed you~!! "

She ran and hugged me

"Ah, be careful, yoimiya! "

"Sorry!!! Of course, my bad, I forgot "

"It's.. Alright. "

She looked at me and smiled, I smiled back

"Hey, ayaka.."

"Hm? "

"... I, uh, hope you don't mind.. "

"Don't mind what? "

"Just this. "

She kissed me for a second, it shocked me and I just stood there, feeling my face heat up , I slowly brought my hand to my lips

".. Y-yoimiya.. "

"i-im sorry!!! I don't know why I kissed you, I just-"

"It's okay.. I... I didn't mind. "

She looked at me a little surprised but then laughed

"Ayaka, welcome home, if you'd like... We can go see your brother now. "

"Hm? Oh! Right, of course. "

I smile at her, she smiles back and we go to ayatos room and knock on the door

"Ayato? I'm home. "

"I know, give me a second, ayaka~! "

I wait a second and hear the door unlock, then ayato opens the door, steps out and hugs me

"Welcome back~~~ it's lovely to see you again, I hope you've liked my gifts"

"Oh, I did, thank you. "

"Mhmmmm, so, how have you been? "

"Pretty good, thank you. "

"You must be hungry! Thoma made food before he oleft to get you, you should go eat with yoimiya. "

"Hm? Alright.. "

He smiled at me and waved then went back into his room

(MEow 😍)

Me and yoimiya went to the kitchen, I sat down and she got food out.

"Hey, ayaka~ when I die, I want to die with you! "

".. Oh? Really..? "

"Yep! "

"... Alright. I wouldnt mind dying with you, it seems pretty... Ideal. "

She smiled me "thank you? "

"I.. don't think you should talk about death so lightly though, I mean, considering everything. "

She was still smiling at me, but her expression changed slightly, as if she wanted to cry

"Oh, ayaka, are you never afraid to speak the truth? Can't you just play along with me for a little longer?"

"... Yoimiya.. "

"It's fine, it's fine, everything's okay. "

She was crying now, like a little child, however I couldn't blame her at all, I was once the same.

I stood up and walked over to her, she didn't look at me but I hugged her

"Yoimiya, please, it's okay. I'll always be here for you. "

It's only been a week after her mother died, the funeral is like tomorrow, I really can't blame her one bit, she's probably feeling so terrible.

"Ayaka... Can we eat later? ... I want to lay down. "

".. W-with me? "

"Is that not okay? "

"It's.. Fine, of course we can. "

We made our way to my bed room and she laid down on my bed, and I sat next to her, holding her hand.

"Ayaka, I love you. "

"... I...I love you too, yoimiya. "




also currently sobbing to miss wanna die music box thing yk, I used to listen to this song when I was younger and oh my.

Byebye!!  Have a nice day/night everyone ily all so so much take care!!!

Ayaka x Yoimiya | genshin impact | 🌹Where stories live. Discover now