Chapter 3: Sloth

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Lucia: WHAT?!

Avurick: yes, there is another sin here. It has made its mark on the person.

Lucia: won't all of us traveling together attract the attention of other Apostles?

Avurick: no, our energy is very different from that of a regular Apostle. They have no clue we exist.

Lucia: then how do you know about the sin?

Avurick: I'm a blooded Apostle, I can sense when a sin is nearby.

Lucia: so, which one is it?

Avurick: Sloth, that ability is very useful. You can make people fall asleep instantaneously and can view their dreams and memories. But you are always tired.

Lucia: with all these different sins you would think we all serve different gods.

Avurick: that is true in a sense. We are worshipped as gods often, and usually our followers take on our traits. Like, when people pray for my help, they might be able to get a really good deal, or they might get something they really really want.

Lucia: so, if someone wants to get revenge or something then they would pray to me?

Avurick: correct.

The two of them walked into an inn and saw someone sitting behind a counter, he looked like he hated his job. He had black make up underneath his eyes.

Avurick looked the man over, and his eyes stopped on the man's left hand, where a tattoo of a sheep was. Before anyone could react, Avurick grabbed the man by the shoulder and held a knife up to his neck. Lucia backed up in shock.

The man was young, but his eyes held fear and wisdom. Avurick stared into his eyes for a minute before smirking.
He released the boy and he shrank back against the wall.

Boy: please don't hurt me!

Avurick: we won't, I never intended to, it was more of a test. I need a room for me and my partner here, also, I wish to speak with you in private.

Avurick placed two bags on the counter filled with coins.

Avurick: the first bag is for the rooms, the second is for when you speak with me.

The boy handed Avurick a key and placed one bag under the counter. He then stood up and followed Avurick to a more private area.

Avurick: do you know what you are now?

Boy: pardon?

Avurick: you have been chosen, chosen to become an Apostle.

The boys jaw dropped.

Boy: but, I haven't done anything!

Avurick: you don't need to. You have been chosen as the sin of Sloth, you will serve the god of sin. The one true evil in this world. You can accept it and become something more, or you can stay here and spend your days rotting away.

The boy looked over his shoulder, contemplating it.

The boy looked over his shoulder, contemplating it

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Boy: what do I do if I accept?

Avurick: you will follow me and my partner to the home of us Apostles, sanctuary.

Boy: I thought a god can only have one Apostle?

Avurick: usually yes, but our God is far more powerful than the others. He feeds off of evil acts. He created the gods you know. He is the original. But that can be explained after your choice is made, what is your name?

Elise: my name is Elise and I choose to follow you. I need to pack though, so give me a few minutes.

Avurick: no worries, we aren't leaving until tomorrow.

Avurick and Elise walked back into the commons area, where Lucia was leaning on the wall nearby. She looked at Avurick and he nodded. She stood up and walked back to a table, placing a map on it. There was a circle on the map that went around a mountain.

Elise and Avurick walked over, Elise studying the map.

Elise: what's the circle for?

Lucia: it's where we are going.

Elise: so we are traveling to the mountains aye?

Avurick: indeed, we should keep an eye out for others of our.... Calling.

Avurick eyed a nearby table who he knew was listening in. He studied the men.

Avurick: bandits... Gonna have to deal with them before we leave.

???: Indeed.

Avurick jumped at the voice in his head.

Avurick: my Lord? You can communicate now?

Baphomet: yes, the sins choosing their owners are slowly bringing my power up. I can finally talk with you. I will tell you now, you will find another sin. Pride. With you four being blooded, I will finally be able to walk the planets surface. But I will be a bit weak.

Avurick shivered at the thought of Pride, it was a known fact among previous sin owners that Pride was possibly the worst sin of them all. Not because it was a horrible thing, or because it was weak, but because no matter the state of mind one is in when the sin chooses you, you go insane. Pride was regarded as one of the strongest sins, able to intimidate anyone and able to literally hijack ones train of thought.

Avurick: I understand my Lord, we will make haste to find them and bring you back.

Baphomet: good, I must rest now, but I'll be able to speak soon.

And with that the voice was gone. He looked back to the table to see Lucia studying the map. Elise was pointing out a faster route and Avurick smiled. He had thought of a way to test Elise.

Avurick: Lucia, Elise. We have something we must take care of. You see, I couldn't help but notice a few eaves droppers.

Suddenly, Avurick flickered before appearing next to one of the men, but the man's arm was in Avurick's hand, and it wasn't connected to the rest of the man. He began to scream but before it could escape his lips fully, his throat was cut.

Lucia manifested her Scythe and swung it at one of the men, cutting him in half. She kicked another one in the chest, breaking numerous ribs. He staggered backwards and clutched his chest, but before he had a chance to recover, his head was rolling across the floor.

Elise felt something in his right hand, he held it up and found a sword with a green edge. He used the weapon and stabbed one of the men through the heart, his body turning to ash.

There was only one man left. He was cowering before the three killers Infront of him.

Avurick: look into his mind Elise. Just place your hand on his head and try focusing on your hand.

Elise did as he was told and received a  great deal of information. The group of men were bandits and had been planning on following them to sanctuary, so they could rob them and kill them.

Avurick smiled at the boy who was indeed able to see the mans memory.

Avurick: good, now use that blade to finish him. It would be better than letting him go and grab reinforcements.

Elise nodded and stabbed the man in the throat. He immediately began changing into ash.

Elise: so, when do we leave?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2022 ⏰

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