Chapter 11

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It really had been a while since both of us were under the same roof. Although my memories of this man have yet to recover I have to believe they'll all come back to me. Who I was before all of this and what lead me to this position. I've been told that I was a phenomenal demon slayer, but who would want to do this for a living? Why has the past version of myself chosen this path of life? Couldn't have there been a better path to walk down?

All these questions have come to surface as I took care of young man, he looked younger than me. Maybe a year or so, his face was that of a porcelain doll, pale and gentle. When I had seen him training it seemed as though he was about to collapse in on himself. His bright eyes clouded by something one could not place their hand on, out of reach in an endless mist. However, with enough wandering one should be able to find the correct string to pull.

When Muichiro had fainted I did my best to take care of him and nurse him back to health. As defined as he was there was a certain light and frail element to his unconscious state. It was as if I was handling a veil of ice. Strong when given room to grow but brittle in the eyes of time.

He had remained unconscious in the room he had given me. As I was about to check up on him I had found him awake and sitting weakly with a dazed expression. Surprise had washed over his face as his eyes met mine at the door of the room. With having had his chest caving in as he stared in disbelief he started to stand.

Quickly I rushed over to have him lay down again. It was too early for him to move around as he usually did. As I had placed my hands on his shoulders he wrapped his arms around me in a loose hug. His head softly hitting my shoulder on impact. "I didn't think you'd be released so soon"

His voice came out softly as he nuzzled into my shoulder. It sounded like he had a soar throat by the way he croaked it out.

"Kocho thought saw I was well enough to be released and so she did, you however-" I pushed him back a bit to get a look at the face he turned away from me "-you seem a lot worse than when you left me there, what happened?". Concern laced itself in my eyes and voice as I awaited a response.

His eyes landed their gaze on the floor as his brows knitted a knot between them."I promised to be strong enough to protect you from all harm... but I failed and now you have to live the way I lived"

The somber effect of the nightlights had only made this man's confession twist my heartstrings in a paint nature. He cares so much about me and yet I can't remember much before what happened a few weeks ago. This tightness only served to suffocate me in more regret. How arrogant could I be to not remember someone that cared so much about me to burn themselves out?

"I'll get stronger too. I can't have you do this to yourself just to keep me safe"

His cyan eyes widened at my words, fondness washing over them as a ghost of a smile came to be on his features. He came back to hug me again, a bit more strength in his arms this time around. The embrace was delicate, as if I were to shatter if more force was applied. Softly and slowly I hugged back. This man had seen enough pain for the night.

A few days went by after that night. We agreed that it'd be best if we trained together in order to prepare for future missions. I have yet to be searched out for one. Although I am in good health concern was placed on my lack of a memory and if it would affect my performance on missions. With Muichiro gone on missions very often my only pass times were training and exploring.

I have come to know all the cats and their little habits, as well as the grounds of the estate.

Dawn had broken through a few hours back, I had been on the training field grinding the hours away with my sword in hand. I learned that I had developed a breathing style called breath of ice. Apparently it was a very defence and speed based form of handling a sword.

As I continued to work with my blade a familiar form came to be in the distance. It was none other than Muichiro coming back from another successful mission. His ponytail swayed in the wind as he approached his home. Even from a distance he was quite handsome. He couldn't have been older than 20 nor younger than 18.

Even with his neutral expression I could tell he was tired by the way he carried himself. Just as he managed to get back he stopped to greet me quickly. "Still working hard?"

"Still slaying demons?"

With a cracked smile on both ends we continued our conversation. He had explained the details of his previous missions. With the story he told sounding more like one of a hero than of an ordinary man. He had saved a few villagers from a deadly demon attack in the southern end of the land. Just as he was finishing up his tale I spotted a crow flying above. However, upon closer inspection of the sky my eyes caught another crow flying close by.

As one of them landed on the raven haired man's outstretched arm the other landed on my shoulder. "Ice pillar (Y/n) Tokito you are to head north for your joined mission with the insect pillar Shinobu Kocho"

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