Chapter 22 (🍋)

Start from the beginning

At night

Linket coffin opens as she gets out standing and stretching her arms as Michael comes out of nowhere slamming her into the wall like he is trying to hide her as she noticed he is tense and says to him. What's wrong. He covers her mouth as a black figure moves as she sees the tail of it which makes her nervous as there was some growling and sniffing into it comes into the kitchen as it was shadow devil but he looked different. He sniffs around seeming blind as he gose to where Michael has her as the thing that looks like shadow devil sniffs the sport growling a bit as she noticed he was blind but it wasn't him beacuse this demon was red with large gold horns and his eyes where suppose to be yellow but are red since he is blind. As his wings spread out showing there black with red stripes as he sniffs as he walks off going into a wall as he growls lightly as used his tail to feel what it is realising it's a wall as he walks off going upstairs sniffing around. While Michael let's Linket go but keeps her close as she accidentally steps on a creaking floor which the demon heard and teleports to them growling. then roars at them as he guesses who Linket was and grabs her by the hair making her yelp as he sniffs her and teleports upstairs to her and Michael bedroom.

In the bedroom

The demon sits on the floor with Linket in between his legs and used his claws to comb her hair as she gets nervous while Michael comes into the room with shadow devil behind him as shadow devil whispers to Michael. He thinks she is cinder I can get her don't worry Michael nodes as shadow devil gose in carefully as he says to the demon. Now brother give me the girl. The demon growls at shadow devil as he says to shadow devil. No. shadow devil says to him. Now red shadow she is with one of my slashers you remember Michael Myers right. Red shadow nodes as shadow devil says. Well who you have is his mate. Red shadow glares well he would be if he could see as shadow devil takes Michael knife giving it to red shadow as he sniffs it then Linket smelling more of Michael then cinder as red shadow says. She smells better then our sister. He starts braiding her hair as shadow devil says. I know but Linket is taken now give her to me and I'll get you another human the same. Red shadow thinks and says. Fine. Red shadow gives shadow devil Linket as he gives her to Michael while he kept her close as red shadow and shadow devil disappears else where as Michael kept hold of her nuzzling into her As she nuzzles into him and says to him. I need a shower. He lets her go as she kisses his masked cheek and gose off grabbing some clothes and going into the bathroom as she closed the door and starts the shower as Michael secretly listens thinking wether to join her or not.

A few minutes later

Linket was washing her hair with shampoo into Michael sneakily comes behind her as he decided to join her as he then takes over as she knew it was him from the feel of his hands as he had his mask on the bathroom sink while he continues massaging the shampoo into her hair as she purrs a bit. Into he stopped and starts putting some water on her head to wash the shampoo out as his hands runs from her shoulders to her to her waist
She knew what he wants as his member stiffens between her legs making her blushes a bit as she says to him as he starts kissing the back of her neck. Want me again after 7 hours. He rest his head on her shoulder and nodes a bit sighing as he whispers in her ear darkly. M....mine f...forever. she blushes a bit as she wasn't really use to him talking as she says to him. Always. He kisses her shoulder and neck and lifts her up turning her around and pins her to a wall kissing her neck making her moans lightly as she whispers as her fangs came out. You know what I like. give me your hand. He grins a bit knowing what she means as he puts his hand to her mouth as she takes his hand and bites it for him as he runs his hand down to her womanhood And starts rubbing her womanhood with the blood coming out. making her moans lightly as he grins a little bit and kisses her on the lips as she kisses him back as he then insert a finger into her making her gasp in the kiss as she hasn't ever felt a finger in her entrance before. Into he decided to insert two of them making her gasp as he starts moving them in and out making her moans lightly as he grins a little bit As he gets a bit faster which made her orgasm as she blushed a bit as he takes his fingers out of her and puts them in her mouth. he watches her as she sucks on them making him growls a bit as he inserts his member into her holding her with one arm while he starts thrusting into her as she sucks on his fingers.

1 hour later

They were out of the shower and in bed as he had her pinned on the floor with her legs around his waist as he was thrusting into her as he had her head resting in his hand so it's not on the floor while he continues thrusting she climaxes twice in one go letting him in deeper into her as he kisses her neck a bit as she was kissing his shoulder. while her nails runs down his muscular scard back Into he starts getting faster which was the sign to her that he was getting close as she rest her head on his shoulder as she was starting to get close as she could feel him starting to sweat a bit from heating up a bit. She then orgasmed again while he released in her deeply grunting a bit as he growls a bit slowing down as he kisses her chest as she strokes his hair a bit as her legs unwarps from him while he removed himself from her as he kisses down to her stomach as she watches wondering what he is doing.
(End of 🍋)
Into he gets up as he picks her up and puts her on the bed while he gose getting changed in the bathroom as he puts his clothes on and grabs his mask putting it on while he grabs his knife as he comes back out to check on her seen she is having a nap. So he decided to put a blanket over her as he then left going to hunt for something to bring back to the house or just to kill someone if there is a target to kill that he finds.

A few hours later

Michael had returned as Linket was up and in clothes which was a black tights and sports bra with black biker boots on as when Michael comes back a Maenad comes pinning him to the wall showing him her claws threateningly as Linket watches secretly growling she gose in superspeed pinning the Maenad to a wall knowing what Eric Siad but she dose it anyway. She bites the Maenad feeding from her but it also poisons her as Michael pulls Linket off seen something was wrong as the Maenad smirks as cinder appears and says to Michael. Get her out of here. I'll deal with this thing. Michael nodes picking up Linket leaving as the Maenad and cinder fights.

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