Part 5

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Kitsu runs up to the destruction of he secret hide away and looks around in anger.
"I tried to stop them." She quickly turns around and sees Tetra.

"But Witcher's, they never hesitate."

__ __

Illyana quietly walks up to the situation that is currently being held in the middle of the throne room.
"Madam Gilcrest has given proof. This one breeds monstrosities, terrorizes my kingdom, and swindles the people." The king says, glaring at a beaten up Luka who is being held down by guards.

Luka grunts. "What the hell are you talking about?"
Illyana quickly walks up to the King. "Sire, not all Witcher's were aware of these cross breeds." She kneels down in front of him and try's to reason.

"Lady Zerbst, you are testament to the perils of trusting a servant." The King states then waves his hand, making the guard thats holding a sword slice off Luka's head.

"If it pleases sire, might I ask where madam Gilcrest is now?" She asks.

__ __

Vesemir opens the door to the mages lair and walks up to a locked one. He then use his power to blast the door off its hinges and walks down the dark steps after grabbing a torch.
He then walks into a room full of big containers filled with little monster that are growing.
He walks up to one to see one swimming around, it then jumps out at him but he tosses it back in along with the torch making it burn.

He is then about to blast another container but is stopped by a voice.


"Monsters were going extinct. I had to protect our way of life. Think of all the coin you stand to make, young fella."
He says walking down the stairs.

"Do not call me that."

"Check your gratitude, boy. You came to me. I could've shipped you right back to those bedpans."

Vesemir glares. "Don't pretend you didn't know exactly what you were doing when you threw me those coins. You knew I would come. We were created to kill creature like these, not to make them."

"I won't weep for doing what needed doing. I told you."

"A Witcher never hesitates. Oh, I know. What about with the elf? Did you give Kitsu a choice before you mutated her?"

"No, I thought we'd killed her. That mutation was unstable. Too much power. Thought we could do it again, but it didn't work." He whispered the last part.
"Clearly her death was one of her clever little illusions." Vesemir than narrows his eyes more.

"What do you mean again?" Deglan than looks towards Jim's after walking up to one of the containers.

"She wasn't the first that we mutated. Y/n, she was very much powerful when we found her. But, it is was different, it was successful till it started going down hill on the others."
Vesemirs eyes widen at your name, but then remembers you being carried away to a different room.
"What did you do?" He growls lowly at him.

"What anybody would've done if they gotten their hands on her. A mutated Witcher who so happens to be able to turn into powerful beast. I did what nobody would have done."
He says with a stern voice and glare towards Vesemir.

"All of this to line our pockets."

Declan then laughs. "You we're always too focused on the gold in your hand. You never looked up to see who's paying you. See their eyes. We terrify' em. The only thing keeping men from hunting us are the scarier beast we keep away."
He exclaims, walking towards Vesemir.

"Humans die quick, so they spend their lives fearing and hating. Ask the dwarves or your elf friend. Especially, the dragons." His eyes narrowed at that statement.
"Men will always need monsters. Now, so do we."

"We're all orphans. We've always looked to you to protect us. You have to burn it to the ground... or I will."
Declan then charges towards Vesemir, their swords clashing against each other.

"I don't want to fight you." Vesemir says, stepping back.

"We've got to protect ourselves, Vesemir."
Their swords clash again as they dodge each other's attacks. "Got to protect you!"

They are then stopped by the magic of a mage.
"If you two would like to stop trying to kill each other, we have a visitor."
Illyana then steps out the shadows.

"She's coming."

__ __ __

The group walk up behind you looking over the scene on the bridge. A mob... with Tetra leading them.
"Tetra wasted no time. Word spread quickly. Not only of the crossbreeds, but with witchers protecting elves."
Lady Zerbst says.

"And Luka." You and Vesemir both look at her... but she shakes her head.
You fists tighten and you face the crowd, a deep growl quietly erupts within your chest.
"This is your twos doing."

"They we're always gonna come, sooner or later." Deglan states.

"Well, maybe there was a way for us to die the better men." You glare at the two older men.

"My mages and I are the ones who know the secrets to mutagenic alchemy. Tetra will want our heads most. If we die, there can be no more witchers."
Deglan then slams his fist into the concrete, cracking it.
"Seal yoursleves in your labs. The rest of us will rally and end her little cult. Butch won't see dawn."
He walks away but stops when Illyana says a warning.

"Underestimate Tetra and you'll be the one who's seen their last sunrise."
He scowls and continues on with the mage right behind him.
"Perhaps she'll listen to reason." Vesemir says, making you snort a little.

"He may be a bastard... but Deglan is right. This was inevitable."


"Because you're different. Both of you are, and killing is easier than tolerating."
You look down towards the mob again with a conflicted face.
"I want you as far way from this place as possible."

"There are children here."

"They've been trained."

"Children, Vesemir. As you were when he took you. I'll guide them to the cellar until the battles won. For once, I will decide my place."
She states, walking away to do her task.
"She's always had to much fire." He says with a small smirk.

"I like her." You hum. He chuckles and goes to stand next to you.
You both stare out at the mob, he then sighs and looks towards you.
"You know I also want you not to fight."

"Then you also must know that, that is not happening. I'm staying. Besides, who knows if you'll need help."

"I'm serious."

"So am I."
He sighs at you stubbornness and turns your body to face him, trapping you against the railing.
"I know you've trained just like me, hell probably better. Doesn't make it guaranteed that you'll make it. Other witchers haven't."

"Yes, but I'm not like any other Witcher. I want to be there. How do I know if you're also not guaranteed to live. I won't know until the very end."
You then place both your hands on his cheeks.

"I want to fight along side you. Be it the biggest monster or even a human, I want to be with you. I never met or felt like this with anyone before, and I don't want to know what happens when I lose it... I— I..."
You hesitate to say it. Not because you're afraid he won't reciprocate, but because it might be the last time you do.
He smiles softly and lays his hands over yours aligning your heads together.

"I love you too."

Your breath hitches and you don't have time to say it back when he kisses you.
"Say it back to me after this battle. That way I'll have motivation to get back to you faster."
You shake your head with a chuckle.

Because, you do love him.

__ __ __

OMG I'm sorry this is short, I just LOVE anticipation!
You will say it back to him?

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