chapter 13 ➸ it didn't mean anything

Start from the beginning

She was on the couch.

Lauren sat up, confused at how she had gotten there. She could’ve sworn she’d fallen asleep on the kitchen floor. Lifting the blanket that’d been placed on her legs, she stood up and yawned before padding over to the window to get a better view of the sky.

If she couldn’t study Camila, the sky was the next beautiful thing.

She huffed a breath of air on the cool glass, tracing a flower in the condensation. Just as she was about to turn around, she heard a faint noise in the distance. Singing.

Lady, running down to the riptide,

Taken away to the dark side,

I wanna be your left hand man.

Lauren took a deep breath. Camila just had to go and be perfect, didn’t she? She always was unknowingly making Lauren fall harder and harder for her.

Hell, Lauren couldn’t avoid her forever, could she? She slipped out on the deck, following the voice until she realized Camila was on the roof.

I love you when you're singing that song and

I got a lump in my throat because,

You're gonna sing the words wrong.

Camila froze, nearly dropping her guitar when she heard a noise below her. Moments later, a blur of messy black hair appeared at the edge of the roof, and soon Lauren had pushed off of the deck railing and hoisted her entire body up as well.

“Wh-w-what’re you doing?” Camila asked nervously, laying the instrument in her lap and glancing down nervously.

“How’d you get a guitar?” Lauren ignored Camila’s question and sat cross legged a few feet away from her. She picked at a patch of moss on the roof, trying to do anything to keep her eyes from wandering to Camila.

“I-uh… I borrowed your car,” Camila admitted, finally looking over at Lauren. Big mistake. How could some have just woken up and still look so perfect?

“You bought a guitar? When?” Lauren asked, finally looking up out of pure shock. “More importantly, why?”

Camila looked down at the black acoustic guitar in her lap, running her fingers across the smooth wooden front. “I-I went out this morning… I just, I wanted a guitar,” she shrugged, biting her lip.

“So you bought a guitar just because you wanted one?”

Camila nodded slowly.

Lauren smiled softly. This was good. This was the first time Camila had done something nice for herself in a long time, as far as Lauren knew. She deserved it.

“Play me something, then,” Lauren smiled.

Camila just froze and stared down at the instrument.


“I-I don’t want to… it’s… personal,” Camila admitted honestly.

“You sing in front of me and thousands of other people all the time, Camz,” Lauren raised an eyebrow, not even realizing she’d used the nickname.

“That’s different,” Camila answered softly.


“The songs… I don’t know, it doesn’t mean anything to me singing about boys and parties and that stuff,” Camila drummed her fingers on the guitar. “My songs do… they’re just, personal.”

“Your songs? You write?” Lauren asked, taken by surprise.

“A little, yeah. Sometimes. I’m no good, though,” Camila sighed.

“Don’t be so hard on yourself,” Lauren said softly, reaching over and gently squeezing her friend’s shoulder. “You don’t have to play anything for me, but I think you should keep writing songs. It’d be good for you.”

Camila nodded softly. Lauren gave her a comforting smile before swinging her legs down over the deck and disappearing a few moments later.

“They’re about you,” Camila whispered to herself once she heard Lauren disappear into the kitchen.

a/n: since i made a trailer for my other fanfic (reasons) i ended up making one for weak, too. and it makes me so emotional jfc. but check it out if you want! and let me know what you think, bc i love your feedback. 

here's chapter 13! i hope you loved last chapter's cliffhanger ;) lmao have a good day bbies <3

- lena (@lenajfc on twitter, txrches on tumblr, txrches on vine)


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