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Chapter 3: Back on Track or Off the Rails?
Lost my Mind: Jinx realizes she's fallen in love.

Everything went back to normal after Wednesday, Pugsley, and Uncle Thester came home. Baby wasn't sick any longer, and that horrible woman was dea- I mean gone. In the meantime, I was writing back and forth with Bowie.

Dear Mi Amor,
I do hope that all is gone well with you. That woman being a serial killer makes complete sense now. There isn't much that goes on here, though your tarantula present was met with some hectic concern by many of my family. Don't fret, I found him and he's safely tucked away in his own small home. I'm not sure why they were so worried either? I hope we may see each other soon, it's terribly bright without you around.
Your Beloved,
Bowie Wulfric

Dear Beloved,
I'm glade to hear that no one hurt your new pet. That would be dreadfully optimistic! News here is slow, but Baby did learn to walk the other day, poor mother and father can hardly keep track of him anymore. He gets into mischief all the time. Last night he put a dash of nutmeg into Grandmothers cook cauldron. It tasted awful, but Uncle Thester and Pugsley found it amusing. Father was proud.
You lovely,
Jinx Addams

I sent along a few black roses with that one.

Dear Mi Amor,
Mother screamed when she saw the flowers you sent. You should've seen her faint. They all believe that your family is unusual. Perhaps we should have a get together to sway them otherwise? Or perhaps not. Mother might faint again upon seeing your family. Father would say it was a great buisness oportunity. I'd love to see you in person again, writing is so boring.
Your Beloved,
Bowie Wulfric

Dear Beloved,
A dinner might be a good idea. Mother has been wanting to meet you. Perhaps it should be just you the first time? That way you can get to know my family first before you bring your whole family over. I would love to see you again, so on Monday, Midnight, meet me on the top most hill of the cemetary. Can't wait to see you there.
Your Love,

That Monday night, I threw on my clothes and snuck out my window, over the tree branch that stuck against it, down the trunk and across our lawn. Scaling the gate and reached the cemetary 5 minutes later. Bowie was already waiting.
"Hey," He smiled as he saw me.
"Hey," I said, the muscules on my face contract weirdly.
"I've never seen you smile," He smirks. I reach a hand up to my face.
"I didn't know I could," I whisper, my smile falters a moment, but it stays.
"Walk?" he asks, I nod. We don't talk, just walk together through the cemetary. Occasionally, the mist forms into people, only to disappear a second later.

We continued like that for several weeks. Always the same. Just walking silently, paying respect to those who've passed. Mother told me to use the front door and to open the gates one day. I smiled at that. There were times where we did speak. When he was eritated by his home. When his mother pressured him to get a girlfriend. When his father wanted him to intern at the family buisness. All the time I continuously realized that I was falling more and more in love with this boy.

"What are your siblings names again?" he asked.
"Wednestday, Pugsley, and Baby."
"How old are they?"
"Wednestday is nearly 14. Pugsley is 13. Baby is 2."
"Why do you ask?"
"My sister and brother."
"You have siblings?" I ask suprized.
"Yes. Gabriella is 12 and Tyler is 8."
"What are they like?"
"Gabby is drama queen and Tyler whines more than a dog at slaughter."
"Mmm," is all I say.
"Who else do you live with?" he asks. I explain my families dynamics then on.

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