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Previously from chapter 4 of Mineta's pov.

"Well I can understand,but I wish they could know that I don't care of who it is,as long as they are kind, caring and  that to me it's not what's on the outside, but on the insid."

Bakugou pov~

After we talked about the letters,we just hung out,played video games and just talked about stuff, apparently we have alot in common.

It was getting late,so as I was about to leave, I was about to  open the door, until mineta called my name.

"Hey Bakugou,thanks again, I hope I don't have to wait to long to meet this secret admirer" he said with a slight smile.

"I don't think you will have to wait to long, from what I can tell is that this person really likes you." I said before leaving Mineta's room.

As I was walking to my room, I began to think of what mineta said.

"I don't care of who it is,as long as they are kind, caring and that to me it's not what's on the outside, but on the insid."

Maybe kirishima was right of how mineta changed and if he didn't talk me into writing to mineta,I probably wouldn't have gotten any where close, but now I found out about him,I even found out that he's actually bi and the more I'm around mineta the more I feel confident of confessing to him,but I'm still afraid of revealing myself to him.

I finally reached my room,once I opened it I saw kirishima sitting on my scrolling through his phone. Once I closed my door,kirishima looked in my direction.

"Dude, where have you been? The Bakusquad couldn't find you." Kirishima said while I walked and sat next to him.

"Sorry man,I lost track of time while I was hanging out with mineta-" kirishima stopped me,before I could finish.

"Hold on, you were hanging out with mineta?" Kirishima asked with a bit of a shocked look.

"Yes and I wanna thank you,if it wasn't for you to talk me into writing him letters I think I would have given up."

"Cool,what did you guys do?"

"Well we just talked and I learned a few things that has given me hope and more confidence."

"Like what?" Kirishima asked,lifting a brow of curiosity.

I thought for a minute, until I answered.  "Well let's just say that I got a chance with mineta."

Mineta pov~

After Bakugou left,I kept reading the letter an remembering what Bakugou said.

"I don't think you will have to wait to long, from what I can tell is that this person really likes you."

These past few days he's been so nice to me,but every time I'm around him I get these weird feelings. I looked at the clock and it read 4:55pm, I think kirishima should be in his room.

Once I arrived I knocked on kirishimas door,after a minute I heard a faint come in.as I entered I saw kirishima sitting at his desk.

"Oh,hey mineta, you need something?" He asked while facing me.

Um, well actually yes,you see I have been having these weird feelings that I don't understand what they mean, but I only get them when I'm around a certain person.

"Hmm, can you tell me about these feelings?"

"Umm,well I get this weird feeling in my chest,when I'm around them, I feel happy and safe when im around them and they told me something that I don't know why, but I felt like I guess hopeful."

'Hmm,well to me it sounds like you have a crush on this person."

"B-but you see,I got this secret admirer and I don't wanna hurt their feelings."

"Hmm,that is a problem since I don't know who it is,but I have a feeling that it's gonna make sense in the future"

After that I thanked him and left to my room.

Make sense in the future? Why does this
Have to be so confusing.

Kirishima pov~

After mineta left I headed to Bakugous room and knocked on his door.after a minute he answered it.

"hey kirishima,you need something?" He asked as he let me in.

"It's about mineta, he just came to my room and was telling me that he has been getting weird feelings when he around a certain person,but he also said he has got an admirer,so now he's like confused and doesn't know what to do."

Oh,umm well you see...

Sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger, but I'm sure you won't have to wait to  long for the next chapter.

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