Chapter 7: So It Begins

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 "I've given up on the Matinials. Their plans are quite idiotic, and they don't have their best interests at heart," The person said, "You won't tell them that, would you, Gerrit?"

"Mykena! Why would you be here, are you a traitor?" 22 said, exasperated.

"That last order they gave was my worst yet. Dave wants me to be the person who jumps in front of a bullet for them," Mykena laughed.

"So, why are you here?" Panda asked, losing patience once again.

"I would like to become a spy for you Decistants, best thing I can do to help this side win the war," Mykena offered.

"We already have two spies, why not another? That would be very useful," Boris stated

"If you insist, but 22 here is whispering to me to decline," Panda whispered.

"Here, we'll get back to you in three business days," Panda then said to Mykena

"Alright then," Mykena said tiredly. She then turned around and exited the fortress. Afterward, they all walked to the meeting room upstairs, there had to be a reason why 22 didn't want Mykena as a spy. As soon as they reached the meeting room, they all took their seats, and the questioning began.

"So 22, why don't you want Mykena to join us?"

"I wasn't there at the meeting, but Dave, Iris, and two others were discussing getting more spies, so I don't know if I can trust anyone. Also, they would blow my cover if they aren't actually ours!" 22 said worriedly.

"You prove a fair point, Mykena can blow your cover. But that part about getting more spies is concerning. If another one comes, then we will deny them immediately, but give Mykena a chance," Chief Commander Jamison piped up.

"Jamison, that's a terrible idea. If there are going to be new spies, then we can't trust anyone," Owen said.

"Well Owen, don't you have trust issues?" Boris laughed

"No, Boris. He has a pretty good point," Panda said.

"Both of you have trust issues," Frog added, "I know that for sure, being around you two for long enough,"

Owen and Panda then gave Frog a dark look, and the scene faded.

"Supreme Leader Dave, I have a suspicion," a girl's voice said.

"What is your suspicion, Mykena?" Dave asked

"I think Panda and Boris know about our invasion plan,"

"What makes you think that?"

"I heard them discussing it on their way down to the entrance hall, where I was,"

"That is worrying," Dave said, "I suppose we do need more spies to figure out how they know,"

I think Jane will be a good spy, at least I hope, Mykena thought

But then, just that second, a hint of fire could be seen, and then it burst into a huge, roaring fire. Then there were two people going down the stairs, and then voices could be heard.

"Nick, where did the bullet land again?"

"I don't know, Iris!"

Dave then walked towards the fire, braced himself, and walked through.

This is a weird feeling, Dave thought, as he stood in the fire. He then found the bullet and recognized it to be shot from the flamer. As soon as he picked it up, the fire burned out immediately. Dave walked back to where he was and found Iris and Nick staring at him. Sylvia looked shocked, but Nick was smiling.

"Been teaching yourself magic then, sir?" Nick asked

"I dare say, why wouldn't I?" Dave said, and then began to smile. Then once again, the scene faded to black.

"Oh come on Boris! You know how to do it, just get it into your head!" Panda said. She and Boris were outside on a cool autumn day in a small clearing of trees. The area looked like maintenance hadn't been there in quite a while, due to the trees being unkempt, and the straw-yellow grass being two feet tall.

"Panda, you have more experience at this than I do, I don't have as much knowledge of this stuff, it's distracting me," Boris said, annoyingly.

"Boris, you are generally good at making excuses, but that one was terrible," Panda laughed. Boris looked furious, so when he walked over to a spellbook and started flipping through pages, Panda stopped laughing. Instead, she braced herself, then Boris fired a purple and white orb out of the spellbook, and Panda reached out her hand. Now instead of the orb going at her face, it flew into her hand.

"Teleporting orb, nice move. Where were you going to send me exactly?" Panda asked.

"To the inside of a missile launcher, so I could fire you somewhere," Kay admitted.

"Speaking of a missile launcher, it's about time we do something, fun," Panda said slowly, "Is 22 still with the Matinials?"

"No, he's here. Why do you ask?"

"It's time to fire the HARPSILE, Boris," Panda said, with a dark smile spreading across her face. Boris then shared the same smile, and they both started back to the forest.

Back with Dave and Nick, they were having a hurried discussion outside of the palace.

"Dave, are you sure you can contain your magic? When you walked into the fire, it scared me when it didn't do anything to you. I think, just think, you might not be able to contain it. I'll have to train you," Nick was saying.

"Nick, are you questioning my capability to contain things?" Dave said angrily.

"Yes I am, magic is very dangerous, only a highly skilled person can contain it! I'm sorry sir, but I just don't think you are ready yet!" Nick responded, as calmly as possible.

"Nick, oh Nick, you have no idea what magic is," Dave said, as they were right next to the palace.

"Oh really, so tell me, that missile that's coming, I can contain it using magic. You can't, now just watch," Nick sighed. He then summoned spellbooks, and cast a shield in front of the missile, which stuck onto the shield, and blew up.

"You're right, I am not ready yet,"

"And I can train you to be ready for it,"

The Beginning of Troubled TimesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz