Chapter 5: Open in the Bright

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 "Dave? Are you in there?" Iris asked. She had something behind her back that she was hiding.

"Yes, I am. What is it?" Dave asked back.

"Could you open the door? I have something to show you," Iris stated.

So, Dave opened the door of the room he was in, and we got a good look at it. This must be Dave's office, with his blades, guns, pictures, and family tree on the walls. Iris then entered and then laid down what she was carrying onto Dave's desk. It was an odd contraption, mostly due to the fuel tank on the side of it, the scope being quite large for the size of the gun, and the spot where bullets would fly out was very narrow.

"It might not look like much, but it is very powerful,"

"Well, what is it first off?" Dave asked

"I thought that would be obvious! It's a flamethrower combined with a sniper, designed to shoot fire from far-away distances," Iris sighed. Her green eyes showed how tired she was of Dave's lack of attention. She stared right into Dave's black eyes and hoped that he wouldn't ask any more questions, but he still had one more to ask.

"Is the flamer designed for committing arson from far distances?"

"Okay, yes it is, and also fine we will call it the 'flamer' because I see where you get that idea from. Finally, you have a brilliant idea for naming things, unlike the thing you named the last gun!"

"Come on, Iris! We don't speak of the Swatzina! I forgot which guns that gun was made up of," Dave laughed

"It was made up of an old swat gun and you made up Zina!" Iris sniggered

"Oh, right! Haha, I remember that time now, before the war!" Dave said while howling with laughter.

"Well anyway, we might want to hear from Gerrit about what is going on with the decistants,"

Just that moment, Gerrit showed up in the doorway and spotted the weapon, even though Iris and Dave tried to hastily hide it.

"What the heck is that?" Gerrit asked

"Weapon," Dave and Iris said together

"Understandable, so what does this weapon do exactly?" he asked again

"I can explain that to you later, but right now we need some information. What is going on with the Decistants?" Dave asked

"The supreme leaders have changed their invasion date to the 17th of August,"

"Well, that changes matters then. We have more time to prepare the army, Iris," Dave said, happily.

"Well, could you show me the battle plan first?" Iris asked

"Of course, Gerrit, please leave the room,"

"Sure thing, Dave,"

"It's supreme leader!" Dave said angrily

"Sorry, sir," Gerrit said while trying to hold back laughter. Luckily for him, Iris started laughing, allowing him to join in. Dave looked murderous, but Iris didn't stop laughing. This is when we learned that Helena isn't the only one with a death stare.

"Dave, your death stare looks as if you are squinting because you forgot reading glasses, you look hilarious," Iris howled with laughter

"We've already learned that you don't even try for one!" Dave spat out

"Well, that's because you have anger issues, while I don't. I have a problem with laughing too much, but your anger issues are worse," Iris said, calmly.

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