ꕥ Annoying ꕥ

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"You're late.... again" Mrs. Liu pointed out.

"Apologies," Vanessa said.

"Why are you late for my class?" Mrs. Liu asked sternly. Vanessa was not looking at Mrs. Liu. She looked past her and straight at Kiara.

"And who might this be?" Vanessa asked, suddenly interested in the unfamiliar face in front of her.

"This is Kiara. She is a new student from America." Mrs. Liu said.  The girls walked past her and to Kiara.

"Where you from," Vanessa asked the shorter girl. There was a clear height difference, even though it was by three inches.

"Detroit," Kiara said simply.

"I'm from Harlem," Vanessa said.

"Take a seat," Mrs. Liu said sternly. She walked over to the desks and sat down. Vanessa was behind Mei Ying with an empty seat next to her. Vanessa ruffled Mei Ying's hair and smiled when Mei Ying scolded her. Vanessa greeted the short bald boy, Cheng, and the tall boy.

Great. She's friends with them

"Well Kiara it's a pleasure to have you in this class," Mrs. Liu said as she smiled at Kiara. Kiara lightly and quickly smiled back.

"Are there any open seats?" Mrs. Liu asked herself as she check her seating chart. A hand shot up as soon as the question was asked.

"She can sit next to me," A voice said. Kiara could have sworn her heart completely stopped.

"Thank you, Cheng," Mrs. Liu said smiling. Cheng didn't look at her. He was staring dead at Kiara. She fought the urge to roll her eyes as she walked over to sit next to Cheng.

So my day can get more fucked...
Great to know

She sat down next to Cheng, who saw this as a perfect opportunity to mess with her.

As Mrs. Liu droned on with her lesson, he would occasionally flick her ear. After a while, he stopped flicking her ear to annoy her since she wasn't reacting like he wanted her to. He started throwing paper balls at her. 20 minutes into the class and Kiara was about to snap. When the teacher turned her back to the class, Cheng threw 3 paper balls at her head. She quickly turned around, grabbed his collar, and pulled him close to her.

"How old are you? You're acting like a fucking five-year-old" She fussed at him.

"You punched me yesterday. What the hell was that about? I thought we were cool" He said glaring at her.

"You deserved it for hitting my brother," Kiara said, shoving his collar away from her. He had a clear look of confusion and shock on his face.

"That boy was your brother?" He asked.

"Yeah. The boy you beat up is my brother" She said.

"He had it coming to him" he shrugged making Kiara even more pissed.

"And you have me blacking your other eye coming to you," Kiara said, partially turning her body to face him.

"What are you waiting on" He taunted. Kiara balled her fist up so tightly that her nails dug into her skin.

"Is there a problem Kiara?" The teacher asked. Kiara broke eye contact with Cheng and turned to face a scowling teacher. Before Kiara could say anything in her defense, someone else piped up.

"I think Cheng is being a pain in the ass," Vanessa said. The snickers and whispers continued.

"But honestly, what's new?" She continued.

"You're so fucking irritating" Cheng grumbled at Vanessa.

"Vanessa. To the Principle's Office. Now" Mrs. Liu said sternly.

"Yes Ma'am," Vanessa said. She gathered her things and left the room.

After a while, the class ended and Kiara quickly got up to leave. She stepped out of the class and found the halls crowded with students

"Hey new girl" She heard a calm voice say next to her. She gasped lightly at the voice and saw Vanessa from earlier.

"Vanessa" Kiara said. Vanessa smiled and nodded.

"That's me," Vanessa said cheerfully.

"Why did you stick up for me?" Kiara asked, weary of her new ally. Vanessa laughed at her. She liked how skeptical Kiara was.

"Why not? I'll find any and every excuse to get on Cheng's nerves. He's an asshole" Vanessa shrugged.

"Are yall friends?" Kiara asked.

"Eh. Depends on the day." Vanessa said making Kiara chuckle.

"Quick question, are you Kiara from the park? The one that punched Cheng in the face" She asked.

"Yeah. How did you know?" Kiara asked. Vanessa grasped Kiara's hand and lifted it to reveal the bruised knuckles.

"Bruised knuckles and the fact that Cheng wouldn't shut up about some girl named Kiara who had a mean right hook," Vanessa said.

"What did he do to make you hit him?" She asked.

"He was beating on my brother," Kiara said.

"And you only hit him?" Vanessa asked. Kiara raised an eyebrow.

"What would you have done?" Kiara asked.

"I would've bashed his head in," Vanessa said as the kids were playing around with each other.

"Vanessa!" They heard someone call out. Vanessa smiled. They looked to the right and saw two girls coming towards them. One girl was Mei Ying but the other girl was new. She had mid-length, dark brown straight hair, a pale complexion, green eyes, and heart-shaped lips. She had an annoyed expression that showed through her eyes.

"Hey, Mei Ying. Hi Leia" Vanessa said.

"What were you thinking? Mrs. Liu is sick of you" Leia fussed.

"When is she not" Vanessa shrugged.

"Leia, meet Kiara. Kiara this is Leia Lee" She introduced as she threw her arm around the smaller girl.

"Hi," Kiara smiled. Leia gave a half smile.

"Hello," Leia greeted.

"Sorry about Cheng. He used to be nice. I don't know what happened "Mei Ying said. Kiara chuckled. She already knew how nice and weird he could be, but she didn't want to deal with him at all.

"C'mon Mei, don't lie to her. Lying is bad" Vanessa said.

"He's never been rude to me," Leia said proudly.

"He is. You just ignore it because you're obsessed with him" Mei Ying said.

"I am not!" Leia said as she crossed her arms. Kiara heard the warning bell ring and got scared. She hurriedly sped off leaving Vanessa, Mei Ying, and Leia confused.

"Where are you heading?" Vanessa asked as Mei Ying and Leia followed behind. Kiara stopped abruptly and looked at her schedule, realizing she had no idea where she was going.

"Um..." Kiara said while looking at her schedule.

"Geography," She said.

"Vanessa and I are heading there now. We'll walk you there" Mei Ying said, linking arms with Kiara.

"I better go to Biology. I will see you guys later" Leia said. They all said ok and goodbye.

Am I making friends this easily?

It shouldn't be this easy...
Something isn't right...

"Looks like you're stuck with us," Vanessa said as she patted Kiara's shoulder and guided her to Chemistry with Mei Ying.

Push & Pull- Karate Kid 2010Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin