Part 5-Getting a flat that has a rude Landlord

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Me and tommy had left Wilbur's  house to go and see our new flat tommy liked the flat and 2 months later we moved in

Tommy was streaming on twitch I was just scrolling through social media Tommy was screaming and stuff then the red  phone rung I picked it up and said "Hello?" Tommy was staring at me and the chat.

I said "Oh i am so sorry sir! It won't happen again" I put the phone down and tommy asked "Who was that?" I said "The fucking Landlord he's complaining about you screaming" tommy said "WHAT?" I sighed and sat down on Tommy's lap and talked to the stream for a bit

~next morning~
I woke up to tommy in my face I put my hand on his cheek and smiled at him I got up got changed brushed my teeth and made breakfast Tommy woke up and came through he said sleepily "Is that pancakes?" I said "Ding! Ding! Your correct!" Tommy laughed and sat down I gave him his pancakes then sat down and had my pancakes.

Tommy said "I don't like the Landlord" I said "me neither but this is the only place we have for now" We continued eating then watched some Movies.
Then a knock on the door I opened the door and I said "Tubbo!" He said "SUP PEOPLE" I said "shhh" Tubbo  looked confused "Why?" I replied "Strict landlord so keep it down or that red phone rings" he nodded his head and came in Tommy said "Im gonna stream with Tubbo if that's fine" I said "Yeah that's fine I'll go out and explore Brighton" the two boys went into stream and i got my jacket and bag then left to explore

I went to the beach and sat down then I heard a whistle I looked at the person then the person started cat-calling me.. I walked away a bit scared.
~1 hour later stream has ended~
I came back in really quickly shut the door behind me Tommy and Toby/Tubbo rushed in Tommy said "Y/N? Are you okay? You look like you've just seen a ghost!" I said "I-I'm fine.." then walked to mine and Tommy's room tommy turned to Tubbo and said "I swear I know she's not fine somethings obviously happened" Toby  said "Well hopefully she is fine I need to get back to mine now nice seeing you!" Then Toby left.

I was laying in bed still kind of scared tommy came in and said "Babe? Are you okay?.." and saw me upset he came over to me a wiped the tears off my cheeks he said "Hey hey,you can always tell me what's wrong" I said "I-I was at the beach and this guy.." tommy nodded and said "Continue don't worry" then I said "H-He was cat-calling me.." tommy said "WHAT?! WHO IS HE?!" I said "Tom please keep it down  he was tall had no hair uhh don't know" tommy said "Ugh I know who your talking about Jack Manifold" I said "Jack?! He would never!" Tommy said "was he bald bald?" I nodded Tommy said "Don't worry I'll always protect you" i hugged tommy and he hugged back I whispered "I could never of asked for a better boyfriend" he smiled softly

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⏰ Última atualização: Mar 09, 2022 ⏰

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