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Draco's POV
I came to check on Harry, i slightly opened the door to see Severus standing on the opposite side of Harry. He was struggling in the chair and heavy breathing. It looked like he was fighting a nightmare but in reality fighting off someone from entering his mind.

I step inside with a big worry on my face. I hated seeing him being hurt or uncomfortable.
If i look a few years back i wouldn't be that worried. I mean maybe a little.

"Severus stop it!" I yelled.

He looked at me with cold look while still controlling him.
Harry was full of sweat and almost couldn't breath.

"SEVERUS!" I yelled while standing next to Harry now.

He rolled his eyes and let him go.

Harry came to his senses and breath in deep quick breaths.

"So weak, just like your father was." He said.
Harry bolted out of his chair and took Severus by his shirt.

"My father was not weak!" He growled.

"STOP IT." I yelled angrily again.

Harry then noticed me.

"Draco? You're here?" He asks as he came to me to hug me.
I quickly returned the hug and rubbed his head.

"Are you okay?" I ask worriedly.

He only nodded.

"Severus this has gone too far. You have not been giving him time to rest. How will he function threw the day if you keep tormenting him."

"I'm not hurting him." He defended himself.

"Well this is hurting him." I snarled at him angrily as i put Harry's hand around my shoulder and I put my hand around his waist for support, i was planning to take us back to our place to sleep.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked us.

"To sleep, where else?" I said, i didn't gave him time to respond and we left.

I helped him walk all the way to the RoR.

I pushed the doors open with my other free hand.

Everyone was thankfully asleep so we didn't wake anyone up.

I laid Harry on our bed and i laid right next to him.

"Hey. How are you?" I ask as i caressed his face .

"Hi. I don't know anymore. I'm tired." He says sleepily, already closing his eyes.

"Sleep love." I said as i kissed his head and he snuggled into my chest.


The next day we were all talking at lunch at Slytherin as usual.

"Hey guys do you wanna hang out with us after school?" Pansy asked.

"Mhm we could." I answered and decided to sent Harry a small letter to Gryffindor table since he was sitting there today but the kids were with me.

I made a small bird out of paper and blow it away, it flew right onto Harry's empty plate, he hasn't eaten anything, he's worrying me.

He opened and read it, he turned around to look at me and happily nodded.

"Yeah he's okay with it." I said.

So it will be only Blaise, Pansy, Harry, kids and me. Well this will be an interesting group.

I mean Harry never really did hang out with them with me, only at some lunch time but that's it.

Lunch was soon over and we went back to our classes.

My next class is Potion, meaning I'm in pair with my future hubby. I smiled to myself in my mind but still didn't want to show anyone my smile, beside Harry and the kids.

I got to my seat and took out the book, prepared everything i need for class.
Just then Harry came in.

"Hey." I greeted him.

"Hi." He smiled at me as he sat down. The kids weren't in class.

"Where are the kids?" I asked him.

"Oh. We meet up with Dumbledore on the way too here and he invited them to his office. He said we should come too after our lessons. I wanted to tell you after classes." He explained.

"Okay." I simply responded.


After classes we visited Dumbledore.

"I have called you here all today to talk about returning kids to their rightful timeline." He said.

That's why Hermione and Ron were here with their kids.

"What about it sir?" Harry asked with nervousness.

"Well the time turner was broken, so me and other professors tried to repair it and after a few tries we did it." He said.

"That's great!" Hermione said.

"But." He suddenly said.

"But what?" I ask almost angry.

"The kids should go in less than a week. They can decide which day they should return and think it's okay." He said more to the kids rather than us.
The kids only nodded instructions.

"And for the rest of you. I think it's best if we obliviated all of you." He says calmly.

"WHAT?" everyone screamed in one voice.

"It would be the smartest move, you wouldn't have problems in the future." He continued.

"Why? They haven't told us hardly anything what happened in the future only like to be careful or don't blame that person for what will happen!" Harry said angrily.

"No but you all know that you will be together and have kids." He confirmed.
He is right. That's what i was afraid of, losing this memory and go back to fighting with Harry.

"Sir may i suggest something?" Scorpius suddenly asks.

"Yes go ahead."

"You don't have to obliviate them. I can asure you that when we will be gone they're gonna immediately forget what happened in these last 2 weeks." He says sadly.

"Are you serious?" I ask them with a scared voice.

"Yeah. The time turner we took was from aunt Hermione and she upgraded it. She made the special spell just for time turner. That if you make something wrong you can make the people around you forget." Albus said.

"So it all depends on you guys. You can do that if you want?" Harry asked. The kids just nodded.

"Great, less work for me." Dumbledore smiled happily. I want to punch him in the face and wipe off that smile.

"I'm sorry sir but we have to go now, thank you for telling us." Harry said as he grabbed my hand and started going back to the doors.
The kids followed us, we said small goodbye to Hermione, Ron and their kids.

We all walked to the place we agreed to meet with Pansy and Blaise. We decided my door room since i don't share it with anyone and it's pretty big. We all walked silently to the dungeons, not wanting to talk about how we could all forget this, or them going back so soon.


Hey guys.
Hope you liked this chp.

Bug out😜💖

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