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Draco's POV
What is going on? I can't believe this?

Me and Harry will marry each other and have kids in the future, but how?

He hates me! He would never love me, i don't want him to give me false hope.

Yes i like him, i liked him ever since we met each other. I felt hurt when he didn't shake my hand at start, I just wanted him to be my friend.

We were all sitting in silence in the RoR.
Oh god this is so awkward.

I looked at Harry who was sitting at the opposite side of me.
And the kid asked us why are we fighting?

"It's not like that." Harry tried to say as he looked at Scorpius.

"Don't you love mummy?" The cute little girl asked him.

Harry didn't even have time to respond when Snape barged in the room.

"I have the potion, come on drink up everyone."

Everyone took the potion.

"Anyone ask them something." Snape said.

"Who are your parents?" Ron asked Scorpius, Albus and Lily.

"Harry and Draco."

"Are you gay mate?" Ron asked suprised that this was all true.

"What if i am? Got a problem with it?" Harry asked almost angry.

"I thought you liked Ginny!"

"What, no! God you're so blind." Harry sighed.
"Ginny is dating Dean."
Ron gasped suprised.

"What? She didn't tell me."

"Maybe she did mentioned but you weren't listening, I mean she is always talking about him."

"Oh." Ron looked kinda sad that his sister didn't tell him.

"Who gave birth?" I finally decided to ask something.

Harry looked at me suprised i even asked something like that.

"Isn't obvious?" Granger decided to suddenly got in our conversation.

I looked at her confused.


"It's obviously you."

"Me?!" I asked suprised. "Why would you think that Granger?"

"They all call you mom."

I looked at the kids to see what they would say.

"She is correct." Albus answered.

I was shocked. I mean wai....AM I A FUCKING BOTTOM?! I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA BE TOP.
Since we got to that point, I wonder how bi- nope not gonna think that.

"I see." My face went back to cold look after i composed myself.

"What did you thought, that I was gonna be bottom?" Harry asked almost laughing.

I gave him a dead glare. "You and I will have a talk later." You could hear the anger in my voice.

He just contiued laughing.

"Your face- heheheh is-heheh- priceless." He was rolling on the floor at this point.

I'm not dealing with this shit anymore.

"Are you done you two?" Ron looked almost annoyed.

I sighed.

"Will you two start fucking each other or what?" Ron asked again in a more teasing way.

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