Breakfast and Consequenses

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Laura's PV:

Trish, Ben, Jake, and I are heading down to the lobby to get breakfast and I'm pretty sure the coach is going to be pissed when he sees Trish with us because he made it pretty clear that she can't hang with us anymore. I can't believe that happened last night though. It's like we're in the homestretch all we had to do was go to our rooms and there the asshole is waiting for us. I wonder what Ben and Jake will have to do for there punishment? All ik is they better not be pulled out of the game tomorrow or will really be fucked.


(Laura walks into the lobby to see all her teammates eating breakfast)

Laura: well it's good to know that know ones going to treat me differently.
Jake: yeah
Ben: let's eat I'm starving
Trish: where did he come from?
Laura: who the fuck knows! It looks like the coach didn't come down for breakfast he must not of wanted to face me this morning. Or he ordered room service because he's to big of a pussy to come down and admit he's wrong.
????: hello Marano.
Laura: (turns around) well, well, well look who it is.
Coach: so Jake and Ben you ready for your punishments.
Ben and Jake: yeah
Coach: well I thought about this all night and I obviously can't sit u because then we would definitely lose so your punishment will be you won't be on starting lineup.
Laura: r u fucking serious that's just as bad as sitting them the whole game you moron. My god you really r stupider than I thought.
Coach: Marano I would shut up if I were you do u want to sit another game.
Laura: your an idiot coach I hope u know that. Oh and when we lose tomorrow just remember this moment and me telling you I told u so and laughing in your face.
Coach: Marano
Laura: coach
Coach: just so u know
Laura: just so u know what
Coach: your lucky your a good hockey player because with the attitude you have you would have been gone a long time ago
Laura: and I care why? Ik I'm good coach in fact I'm great and no one will tell me other wise.
Coach: good attitude Marano because your going to need it.
Laura: wtf does that mean?
Coach: Marano you'll know when the time is right.
Laura: no fucking tell me now I don't have time for that shit.
Coach: Marano I hope you know that your only here because of me. You do know that right.
Laura: holy fucking shit you did not just say that. I'm here because I'm an amazing fucking hockey player and you came across the fucking country scouting people and u came across me. I had a ton of other offers from many different colleges I could of taken but I chose UCLA not because it's away from my family, has a warm climate, and I got a free ride but I saw something in you. I seen that u believed in me and that even though I'm a girl I can clearly play hockey for the boys league. But just like everyone else in my life u proved me wrong. You let me down and I blame that on myself because I let u see me but u know what I'm going to stick it out. I'm going to play how I play and I'm going to be the best fucking hockey player you've ever had and believe me you'll miss me when I'm gone, but I sure as hell won't miss u.
Coach: Marano you really think I believe all that bullshit you just said. The "dream team" may believe it but I sure as hell don't. Your only fooling yourself if u actually think these people like u. There only here because they know u can make them champions.
Laura: is that the best u got coach I've been told much worse and everything u said right now is bullshit and I know it. These people r the closest thing I have to family. Your like my mom and brother mixed into 1 and that my friend is the biggest insult anyone could ever give to u. Because those are the 2 people I hate the most in this world. So u know what u can fuck off
Jake: who the fuck are you to say we're using Laura to be champions I would rather lose every game than not be able to play hockey with my superstar.
Ben: yeah Laura is my best friend and your a fucking idiot for saying all the shit u just said about her. I'm surprised she's put up with u all these years.
Calum: yeah we love Marano
Cody: she's the best hockey player I've ever played with and she's super fun
Matty: same thing Cody said.
Laura: thanks guys.
Coach: whatever pack your shit were leaving for Colorado.

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