Entry 1

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"The weather forecast for today—"

The voice of the television presenter brought the news of today's weather. It was raining on the road outside. I could see the usual scenery through the balcony of my room.

Soon class will start. Turning off the TV that was still on and wearing shoes, I went to school.

On the way, I could see many people sheltering under the roof terrace of the shop which was still not open considering the time. They didn't bring umbrellas, probably didn't know it was going to rain today.

The television news reported the sudden change in the weather and everyone were advised to bring umbrellas if they went out. Previously, they had broadcast the forecast at 6 am, but as soon as the sky turned cloudy and rain was predicted to fall, they immediately reported the latest weather changes.

It's April now, yesterday was the opening ceremony for new students and welcome from seniors at the school.

I am a new student at Sensou High School. Usually, schools open new student recruitment through direct tests and invitations. I followed the former one and was able to pass with fairly good grades.

The thought of being able to study together with students in my age, making friends, and having fun like a high school student, such things were enough to make one's heart flutter with nervousness. But I had to calm myself down. Because there are rumors that how well you looked and your personality when you first arrived at school, determine your position for the next year in your class. An invisible hierarchy system, more precisely social caste in class.

Students who enjoy their school life with their friends, students who participate in club activities (not literacy clubs and library committees because they are boring), students who are not flashy, and students who are aloof, there are big differences along the lines mentioned.

There were also cases where students were bullied, but it was still too soon to happen on the first day of school. I can't imagine that.

The rain was getting heavier, it soaked my flannel pants and shoes. Using an umbrella doesn't mean you can be protected one hundred percent from the rain, it just reduces the risk of your body (especially your head) getting wet from the rain.

My gaze that was facing forward stopped on the figure of a girl who was taking shelter under the roof of some shop. She held her tiny bag with both hands in front of her skirt, looking down, lost in her thoughts.

Her hair is blonde and straight down to her back, and her eyes if you look closely look round and big. The cheeks are thin and look a little moe with a red hue. Her skin was as white as milk, slightly pale, and looked beautiful. There was an impression attached to her that made me subconsciously stare at her for quite a while. I'll be mistaken for a weirdo if I don't avert my eyes immediately.

I remember her, her name is Shina Mahiru, a classmate. Yesterday just before the opening ceremony, students were directed to their classes according to a list containing information regarding which class the students were assigned to. I found out my name was in class 1-D. Hmm... good class, seems normal, without a cold girl sitting next to you with a sharp gaze all the time and a compass in hand, or a cute girl who looks cute and friendly with others but is actually a two-faced girl. Everything seems normal.

Right after I entered my class. I realized the attention of the whole class was focused on one person only. Whether it's the boys or girls in my class, they all have their eyes on the girl, Shiina Mahiru.

Her most striking appearance, especially her blonde hair and looks natural. Also should be—, no, I mean all students in the country are forbidden to dye their hair. Of course, there are special rules for those who have different genes that are inherited from birth. But even so, to prove the authenticity of this matter, they usually need to bring a letter from the doctor's lab test results that can be obtained from the hospital. On the other hand, there is such a thing as a student exchange program. International students, especially from other countries, have different characteristics from Japanese people, it is natural that they have blonde or brown hair.

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