Science and Drama

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  Victor sighed. It was the first day of Tech Week for Geneva High School's production of Be More Chill. He was on stage crew. The only reason he was even involved in the musical was because his best friend Henry had practically begged him. He would have much rather have started working on his project for the school's science fair, but nope he had to be head over heels in love with the school's biggest Theatre kid.

  He was making sure the props were in the right spots, when Henry walked over to him. He was playing the part of Michael Mell. He was wearing a red hoodie, black jeans, and fake glasses. His long red hair was pulled back into a ponytail.  "Hey." He said, grinning. Victor smiled back. "Hello." Henry smirked, and did a spin. "How do I look?" Victor smiled and shook his head. "Your glasses are crooked." He stepped forward, and adjusted them for him. "Henry scowled. "I don't know how you wear these all of the time. They're a nuisance." Victor smiled. "Not all of us are blessed with perfect vision."  Henry laughed, a sound that made Victor feel all warm inside. "You should get in position. We're going to start soon." Henry nodded. "See you later."

  Rehearsal went till 7 that night. Victor walked to his house, and opened the door. His father and his youngest brother were watching TV. "Victor!" William said, excited to see his brother. Victor smiled. "Hello William. Hello Father." Alphonse looked up at his son. "Hello Victor. Dinners in the fridge. Elizabeth and Ernest are in their rooms." Victor nodded. He warmed up some leftovers and walked to his room. He sat down at his desk, and turned his phone on.  He smiled. He had a notification from Henry.

Henry: I miss you

Victor: You saw me half an hour ago.

Henry: I still miss you

Victor: You will see me tomorrow.

Henry: I know, I'm just bored

They texted for a little bit, then Victor went to talk to his adopted sister Elizabeth. He knocked on her door. "Come in!" He heard her say. He opened the door. Elizabeth looked up from her book. "Hey Victor, how was rehearsal?" Victor sighed. "It was a nightmare. All of the actors were supposed to be off-book, but the only one who knew all of his lines was Henry." Elizabeth raised an eyebrow. "Was Henry good?" Victor's eyes lit up. "He was fantastic. It's like he was born to perform, and don't even get me started on his singing voice. It's like the angels are singing through him. And-" "Victor." Elizabeth said with a smirk. "You're rambling." Victor went red. "No I was not, you asked me if Henry was good, and I responded." Elizabeth grinned evilly. "Your whole demeanor changed. It's like you have a crush on him or something." Victor blushed. Elizabeth grinned. "You do! Oh I am so going to tell him." Victor huffed. "Do that, and I will tell Justine who is leaving love poetry in her locker." Elizabeth smiled. "Touché."

  The next morning Victor, Elizabeth, and Ernest were walking to school. The three siblings were chatting, when Henry joined them. Ernest and Elizabeth looked at each other and grinned. Victor groaned. After Elizabeth found out about his crush, she told Ernest, who teased him relentlessly. "Hey guys!" Henry said, with a smirk, choosing to walk beside Victor, who tried to stay composed. "Hello Henry." Victor said. "Hi Henry." Elizabeth said. Ernest smirked. "Hey Henry, Victor wants to tell you something." Elizabeth laughed, and Victor cursed. Henry stared at Victor in shock. "Did… you just curse?" Victor nodded. He was known for never cursing, as he found it barbaric and unfit for the smartest person who went to Geneva High. Henry looked at him. "Well, what do you want to tell me?" Victor glanced at his siblings. Ernest was grinning, and Elizabeth was filming it. He sighed. "Well I…." He couldn't bring himself to say it. He decided to throw caution to the wind. He bent down, as he was a foot taller than Henry, and quickly kissed him. Then, before he could respond, Victor ran as fast as he could to school, where he shut himself in the bathroom until first period.

  Elizabeth must have posted the video, because soon the whole school knew that the untouchable Victor Frankenstein was gay, and had a crush on Henry Clerval of all people. That day was hell. He couldn't focus in any of his classes, and people kept coming up to him, wanting to know more about the situation. Victor avoided Henry, Elizabeth, Ernest, and Justine the whole day. He skipped lunch, and when it came time for rehearsal, he locked himself in a bathroom stall again.

  He sat on the floor, and broke down. He couldn't see how anyone would take him seriously. His whole life he built a wall around himself, trying to mask his emotions. Now he could feel those walls crumbling, leaving him defenseless. And he was terrified.

  He heard footsteps, and froze. He saw a pair of red Converse stop in front of the stall he was in. "Victor? Please talk to me, I'm not mad at you."  Of course they would send Henry to look for him. He stayed where he was. "Alright, you leave me no choice." To Victor's shock, Henry crawled underneath the door, and sat beside Victor. Victor couldn't bring himself to look at him. Henry noticed this. "Vic. Look at me please. Unable to resist Henry, Victor slowly looked into Henry's green eyes. "There are those intelligent blue eyes that I love." Victor's breath hitched. "Did you say-" "Yes Victor. Love. I wanted to tell you after you kissed me, but you didn't give me a chance. I love you Victor. I have since the first day I met you." He leaned forward, and captured Victor's lips with his own. Victor practically melted into Henry's touch. It was perfect, like they were in their own little bubble, separate from the rest of the world. Once they broke apart, Victor smiled for the first time that day. "I love you too Henry. Will you be my boyfriend?" Henry kissed him again. "Of course."

  Opening night came quickly. Victor was comforting Henry, who was stressed. "It's ok Love, I know you'll do great." Henry smiled, and gave Victor a hug. "Thank you Victor. I love you." Victor smiled. "I love you too."

*Here is my Clervalstein fanfiction. I hope you enjoyed it, and let me know if I should make a Frankenstein onehot book.*

Science and Drama (Victor Frankenstein x Henry Clerval)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang