"I just heard some boys is the bus talking about the fight from two days ago. Kung-Lo got suspended!" Rosé explained shaking Jennie's arm like crazy.

"Really? That's good. He deserves it after he broke Min-Lo's nose for something he couldn't even blame him for" 

"Who couldn't blame who for what?" Rosé and Jennie suddenly heard from behind them.

As the pinkish and the brown haired girl turned around and spotted Lisa and Jisoo, they both said at the exact same time "Have you heard it?"

"Heard what?" Jisoo and Lisa gave back at the same time aswell as they looked at each other for short and exchanged some views.

"Kung-Lo got suspended" Rosé exlpained while she still had a hold of Jennie's arm.

"At least our school can do something right" Lisa answered. 

"Yeah I mean if he would've just got  strike, that would've been so unfair towards Min-Lo" Jisoo agreed with Lisa.

The four once more started to "climb" up those annoying stairs.

"Oh Lisa, Jisoo by the way. Thank you for the well wished yesterday" Jennie smiled at the two with her signature gummysmile.


"Louis the fourteenth is considered the most important representative of courtly absolutism and divine grace. The court culture he established, whose central symbol was the king's prominent position and ostentatious appearance, became a model for courts throughout Europe. Louis promoted art and science, which resulted in a flowering of French culture, expressed in the Louis-quatorze style. His work was therefore also formative for the artistic and architectural epoch of the classicist Baroque. The best example of this is the Palace of Versailles, built by Louis, which is considered the high point of European palace architecture. However, the absolutist motto "L'État c'est moi" is wrongly attributed to him" the history teacher of Jisoo, Lisa and Rosé talked something about this french prince Louis. It was so boring. Lisa literally had her head in her neck, starring up at the ceiling, trying to keep her eyes opened. 

The rest of the class didn't really pay attention aswell. Well except Jisoo who took nootes like a formula one car.

Lucky Jennie. She's in geography class right now and probably learns something about earth plate tectonics.

Rosé sat a few rows infront of Lisa and rested her ellbow on her desk while she supported her head with her hand so he wouldn't fall onto the table due to how tired and boring the history teacher Mr. Kang designed his class.

"In 1665, his uncle and father-in-law Philip the fourth of Spain died and Louis claimed his wife for the first time. He demanded a share of the inheritance for France on the basis of the law of devolution, according to which daughters from the first marriage have a priority right of inheritance. In Spain, with a child on the throne, the regency was held by his mother. The regent rejected the French claims, and Louis prepared a war that broke out in 1667 and lasted until the following year . The king's army reforms were already well advanced. He had introduced with a , as before the French king , a novelty in modern France: Professional soldiers who were constantly on standby, strictly trained and disciplined, and regularly paid and supplied. An army of 70,000 men invaded the Spanish Netherlands and then annexed it. Spain was faced with a fait accompli and had no means of resistance. Victory seemed unqualified, but now France's ally Holland felt threatened by the presence of French troops. In 1668, the Dutch States General allied with England and Sweden to form the Triple Alliance against Louis in order to speed up peace negotiations. The latter was now forced to make concessions to his demands during the negotiations in Aachen. As a result, France retained large parts of the Spanish Netherlands to the west, but had to surrender Franche-Comté. Louis could not forgive the fact that his former ally had stabbed him in the back, for he had always been the greatest supporter of the Netherlands and had intervened militarily in its favor as late as 1666. He openly accused the States General of ingratitude and even. But this did not stop him from celebrating the Grand Divertissement Royal at Versailles that same year as a sign of his trium-"

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