Chapter Six

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The sun was already slightly shining into Lisa's room through the curtains as Lisa woke up, laying on her left side with a smile on her lips. Not because she had a great dream but because after 4 mornings of getting up early to an alarm sound which sounds like Seoul is getting invaded, Lisa could finally sleep in as long as she wanted.

She cuddeled herself more into her cuddely blanket as her smile widened.

Still not opening her eyes, Lisa lets her head sink into the soft pillow more and more. If there would be a list of the top 3 things Lisa loves the most in her life it would be 1. Roseanne, 2. Jisoo, 3. Her bed.

The only movement Lisa made was the short turn from her side onto her back to lay even more comfortable. She lets out a heavy, happy breath as she reached her arms out to feel the comfort of her bed.

As Lisa's brown eyes finally opened, she just stared at the ceiling, happy that she's having no stress of getting out of bed.


The sun was shining into Roseanne's big room aswell and pretty bright since the Park's live in a mansion which is located on a hill.

The pinkish haired girl laid there on her stomach in her bed, her blanket only reaching a bit abover her hips and her hair being all widened out on the pillow.

Facing her wall, Roseanne opened her eyes slowly due to the sun that was shining on them. Turning her face from the right side onto the left, Rosé spotted her phone which was laying on her nightstand. She slowly reaches her arm out to double tap on the screen of her phone to see what time it is. 10:30AM.


"What should I eat for breakfast? Should I do some scrambeled egg?...Nah. How about some bread with jam or nutella?...hmmm....Ah I know it! Pancakes!" Lisa decided in her head before she got out of bed with a huge smile plastered on her face. 

But before Lisa would go down into her kitchen to make herself some delicious, fluffy pancakes, she went into her bathroom to get her everyday morning routine done.

After also getting changed of her pyjama into a homedress-chill outift, Lisa made her way down the stairs into her kitchen. She grabbed all the ingredients she needed. Eggs, Sugar, Milk, Flour and a little bit of baking powder.

Some stir and pan flipping later, Lisa sat on the table with her plate of 4 delicious selfmade pancakes infront of her. Just add some sirup and she'll be good to go.


Just like Lisa, Roseanne's first meal of the day was also something very delicious.

All dressed, Rosé headed down the stairs where she smelled the scent of something she hasn't eaten in a long time.

"Don't tell me you made waffles" Rosé came towards the eatingtable with a smirk as she saw her mom standing in the open kitchen.

"No I would've never make the breakfast you like the most since you were a child" her mother gave back sarcastic as she turned around towards her daughter, holding a whole plate full of waffles in her hand.

"I couldn't have a better saturday morning" Rosé said thankful to her mom. The waffles she makes are the best. No one can beat them.


After breakfast, Lisa puts her empty plate and her used cutlery into the dishwasher before she throws herself onto the couch in the living room. 

Lisa's plans for today? Simple. Netlfix. The only problem is, Lisa just finished her series so she would have to find a new one first.

"" was audible as she zapped through almost every series category on Netflix. Then, her zapping stopped on a show called "My Name"

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