Chapter 1

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"Come on Sol!" the little girl giggled.

Hiraya usually play and have fun at the park with her pet dog. Sol was adopted by her grandmother when she was still very young.

The dog cheerfully barked as it run towards Hiraya.

"Raya!" Lola called.

"Yes grandma?" she asked while stroking Sol's head.

"Would you be okay if I leave you and sol for a moment?" she asked.

"Will you come back after?"

"Of course, how can I leave my little girl."

"I'm not little anymore, but okay, we'll wait for you here, right sol?" Raya pouted and glanced at sol.

Sol just tilt his head as he wags his tail.

"Have fun." Her grandma replied with a kiss on her head.

The little girl tour around the park with her dog sol on a leash to stay it put. Few moments later, she saw kids on her age playing around. With her curiosity, she watched them play for a while until a boy asked her to play with them.

With her excitement to play with other kids, she cheerily joined them not letting go sol's leash.

"Are you in?" the blonde little boy asked.

"I'm in. What are you playing though?" she queried.

"Hide and Seek!" a girl with them says.

It sounds fun, she thought.

"Okay, what do I have to do?" she asked not knowing how the game is played.

"See that big oak tree? From there you'll just have to close your eyes for a brief period."

"Then we are going to hide, the first person you find will be the next seeker." the girl behind her.

"But you'll have to find all of us first."

"The last will be the winner of this round, so?"

The kids around her shortly explained.

"No-brainer. Better hide good!" Raya replied. She thought it was a piece of cake. She walks toward the huge tree and closed her eyes. Sol keeps moving around her.

Just as she's about to count strange feeling happened out of the blue. Raya felt her self wary, her surroundings slowly became vague until she no longer see the park nor hear the other kids and people at the park.

Unknowingly, her irises start to glow bright, her eyes remained open. Abruptly she was in a different space. She's somewhere in the woods. It was winter as pine trees were covered with snow. On her vision she looked up in the sky and saw birds flying away from the direction where she is facing. She was stuck on her place, not seem to take in everything.

As seconds passed by, she felt something is coming towards her way. Just as she presumed she saw a figure of a huge dark wolf. Hiraya stared at it for long, taking in the wolf's features in her mind, but somehow she can't because of the dirt masking its fur. Then she gasped when she saw red, probably blood. She ain't sure if it is its blood or some animal's. She narrowed her eyes to inspect it more. When she's about to assume it wasn't his, the wolf shifted into a man. A naked gorgeous man!

Her eyes widen.

Clearly he has no wounds. Yet, at that moment, she instantly felt worry and fear as he saw him turning to pale. He's badly hurt. She doesn't know what caused it. Before anything else happen, the strange man crumbled on the thick snow and bawl in pain. He stay like there for a moment.

Hiraya thought to herself if he still got a lot of time. She wanted the man to hold on for dear life.

Before she step a foot to go near him, in a blink of an eye she was out of her vision and heard Lola call her name.

"Hiraya! Raya!" she yelled shaking her up as tears started to roll down her cheeks.


I bolted up from bed.

"What is it all about this time?" Lola asked. Her voice filled with concern.

I started having vision when I was 7. How could I forget? It's been sixteen years since it happened. How could I not remember the first vision I had. However, I have no idea if it already happened. After visions of unknown things kept coming to me, I learned I am a seer. I'm not an ordinary person.

From then on, I wasn't surprised anymore how my visions are uncanny. Nor thinking it was a dream or a nightmare. Cos some things truly happen just after I saw them. Some were hazy and some were vivid enough to forget.

"It's bad isn't it?" I stared at her.

"Same thing." I lied.

I decided to not tell her what's up this time. Imma figure it out myself. Ever since I learned what am I, I started to think I do not belong here.

Not with humans. Someone like me perhaps.

"Here." Lola said and brought a glass of milk.

"Thank you." I muttered.

I looked at the wall clock which says it's almost 5 in the morning.

"I'll be downstairs a little later. " I told her.

Lola nodded. "Don't miss breakfast. I prepared your favorite." She beamed.

Lola is always caring. The moment I told her what I saw at the park sixteen years ago, I thought she'll think I am imagining things or I am out of my mind, that I am getting crazy every once in a while. But no, she was aware of things human couldn't explain with their theories and all that. She kept reminding me that being different is okay, that I don't have to be like everyone else. My abilities doesn't define all of me. That kept me sane and explore my new found gift.

I heard her say before she closed the door.

Most scenarios I have seen were brutal this past few weeks. It involves the mythical realm. Just like my previous vision earlier.

I thought of it as a message. It's telling me something I coudn't comprehend.

Thus, this time it felt like I have to go for for the first time, I have seen Paradon— the portal to the mythical realm.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2022 ⏰

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