prologue 2: Guardians

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Naruto watched as the floor guardians walked in, the first were Medusa and Albedo, leaders of the floor guardians. They needed to have two encase on was defeated since it took a large sum of gold to bring back an NPC without any penalties.

Next was Demiurge guardian of floor 7, he was a demon, but from his look you wouldn't think so. He was well kept his appearance that of a gentlemen that contrasted his while, bloodlust filled aura. Possessing dark slicked back hair and tanned skin, that matched well with his orange pinstripe suit, white under shirt, red tie, black gloves and shoes. His white almost silver coloured glasses covered his eyes, that would detract from the look along with the spiked tail that sprouted from his back.

Following them were two dark elves twins and almost identical in appearance. The first with an air of enthusiasm around them was a girl also her tomboyish attitude matched with her attire. She wore a red dragon scale undershirt with a white vest above it, long white pants along with leather shoes. Her blond hair was massy and matched with her dark skin and attire well. This was Aura Bella Fiora.

The other with a timid air was male and her brother Mare Bello Fiore, and his miss match eyes that darted about. He was the except opposite of her sister, even in appearance. Her hair was neat unlike the mess that was his sisters. Instead of a red his dragon scale undershirt was blue and he wore a short skirt, and thigh high length boots. Naruto didn't know why their creator thought this would be a good idea but he never asked.

Behind the two 6th floor guardians was the 5th floor guardians. A insectoid, his exoskeleton was seemingly made of ice with 4 arms and a powerful tail and on his back were two icy crystals, with a strong looking jaw. His overall resembled a manti combined with an ant. With each breath the air frosted over, and matching perfectly with the aura of a strong warrior around him, as his maker wanted him to be, and his icy appearance clashed perfectly with his name Cocytus.

Then following him was a young girl around 14 or so in years, atleast in appearance. She possessed beautiful pale skin like any of her kind, a vampire, crimson red eyes and fine facial features. Also Silver hair that was tied in a long pony tail through a long ribbon that allowed for her face to be seen. She wore a soft black evening dress with a heavy bell skirt with various dark pink ribbons decorating it. Shalltear Bloodfallen, a true vampire. The guardian of the 3rd floor.

Behind her was a man with a possessing a dark aura around him, he possessed long hair tied in a low pony tail, he was pale with red eyes and dress lines that enhanced his charm. He was dressed in a long white robe with red clouds, and open toed sandles. Itachi Uchiha, and much like himself a fallen angel. Even now as a simple NPC the man didn't seem to be able to escape the air of sadness and pain around him.

Then the last was a stern looking woman. She was tanned with a beautiful face golden eyes and a beauty mark next to her lips, with long pink hair. She was also dressed in formal attire, a woman's suit black in colour with a white undershirt, loose formal pants and a high heeled shoes. The was a blade sharp aura around her. This was Ingrid, a hell knight and guardian of floor 1.

They all walked and then stood infront of Naruto and Momonga who watched them calmly. Then Albedo stepped forward and bowed, "Just as you asked my lords, we have gathered all the guardians aside from victim of the 8th floor and Gargantua of the 4th. Now the pledge of fidelity." she said.

Then they all kneeled, stated their names and at the end spoke in unison, Albedo and Medusa included, "As the guardians of the great Tomb of Nazarick we pledge over loyalty to it's great rulers!" their voices loud and proud with great admiration behind them.

"Raise your heads." spoke Momonga and his eyes shined with the aura of despair forming around him, a dark miasma that seemed to darken his surroundings. Naruto at the very same released his own skill. Aura of destruction a red and purple flaming miasma, something that literally destroyed what it touched below a certain level, it also has the affect of crushing souls, or will of those who stand before him.

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