Chapter 114: Contingency Plans

Start from the beginning

"Que??" Felix stumbled on his steps. "Wait, why do we have to go??"

"That may be danegrous..." Godfreg, who was invisible in the background, helplessly tried to interject, which Evan clearly didn't listen, because the moment he said this, Evan was already stepping up. 

"We can't trust guards now, and you are all well protected. Communication is useless at this point and our walkie talkies are not connected to the airport. We can only depend on you guys then." 

"But Evan..." Godfreg internally sobbed. 

In addition to Felix's strength, Gion's overbearing presence could most definitely lead everyone out of the airport without Karens getting in the way, irresponsible parents, lost children etcetera. They'll be able to create order in the building and evacuate them without casualties, so there really was no problem in that. Plus, both Gion and Felix have bodyguards, well-trained ones. 

"Xi Shen Ko may not attack the airport though." Charles spoke mindlessly, still in his own realm. "Considering part of his plan involves attacking the hospital. Two terrorist attacks on one island on the same day, he isn't that stupid. If we create a ruckus there, it'll freak the citizens out even more. Instead, he may have planted a snitch to silently fuck everything." 

"How is it that you're so dead inside and was still able to reason like drinking water, eh?" Albert poked him on his side. "If you can laze around like that, why don't you go to the airport to find that snitch, cunning as you are." 

"The airport is on the opposite way to the hospital, so I'm not going." Charles reluctantly fixed his posture, rubbing the bridge of his nose as he said this. "Anyway, Gion, you're going to be off grid when you're at the airport. How confident are you in dealing with that? We wouldn't be able to send you any information and that way, you wouldn't know what the fuck is happening at all." 

"You speak as if I haven't mastered the art of adaptability. Whatever chaos ensues in the airport will be resolved immediately, I'll make sure of it." 

"Okay, Mr. Vice President~" Charles resisted the urge to roll his eyes as the three (Felix, Gion and Livio) prepared to do their field work. Alex had already gone to the telecom room in a hurry, leaving the rest of them still freaking out but with less people, so it didn't look that much of a massacre anymore. 

Nova, who was still on the computer with Shintarou  called them out, lifting the tablet (the one Shintarou customized for mapping) for others to see, "Umm, guys, will you look at this?" 

"What?" They all gathered around the tablet, on which the screen showed the pathways the plane and missile will intersect. The point of meet were marked blaringly red, as if a warning. The tracker of the plane was actually placed on the box containing the heart, so even though they didn't have any communication, this signal wasn't going to be disrupted by anything. 

However, when they saw the pathways, they squinted, head slightly tilting in confusion. Clearly just a few moments ago, the plane and the missile was going to crash, but maybe because they hadn't checked the tablet at all times, they wouldn't know why the frickity frack would the plane be so close to Momosu airport now, completely passing the mark on the pathway like, twenty minutes ago. The missile had almost reached the mark, but the plane was already past that point.

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