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Third person view

Jennie and Lisa were both shocked to see each other. Jennie was shock because she didn't expect them to arrive earlier than she expected. She expect them to come later because of the traffic jam. Lisa on the other hand was shock too because nobody in their group told her that Jennie was here. She felt betrayed by her friends because they know that Lisa is trying her best to avoid Jennie at any cost.

No one was talking, they are just staring at each other with their mouths open wide because of shock.

"Are you guys just gonna stare at each other or what?" Seulgi shouted that made the two to come back from their reverie.

Lisa cleared her throat and went to the first tent since she didn't have a choice. Jennie was just staring at Lisa's back while she was walking to her tent.

Rosé's POV

We were having our own worlds since Jennie and Lisa are still not talking to each other. We are sitting on a log while waiting for the bon fire. We want to relax here while chit chatting and drinking some beers.

"Do you think Lisa will be able to move on from Tzuyu?" Jisoo asked.

"I think for now, it's impossible. Tzuyu made a big impact on Lisa's life to the point that it hurt so much to just forget about her and move on as if nothing had happened." I answered.

"But isn't it taking too much time for her to move on?" Ryujin said.

"Babe, let's not invalidate Lisa's feelings. What would you do if you were in Lisa's shoe and I'm the one who died?" Lia said.

"I will never ever love someone again! You're the love of my life and no one will ever have my heart again other than you!" Ryujin said then throw herself to hug Lia.

"I'm happy that's your answer. But it's not the right answer. You have to find someone that will love you and take care of you until you were both grey and old. Don't ever imprison yourself from my love. I'll still be there for you, watching and guiding you as you have your own family. I will be very happy to see you happy." Lia said while she's rubbing Ryujin's hair who is a crying mess right now.

"B-babe you don't h-have to e-explain Lisa's s-situation to m-me like t-that!" Ryujin said while sobbing hardly. We all chuckled at her situation right now.

"I'll never leave you babe." Lia said then put a soft kiss on Ryujin's lips.

Jennie's POV

It was already dark when I decided to go out of my tent and it seems that our friends are already resting on their tents. I decided to walk around since I can't sleep because of the thoughts that are running inside my head.

I started to hum some songs that I know while I was walking. It was a peaceful walk not until I heard someone humming to a song too

I'm starting to get scared but I'm so curious so I followed where the sound was coming from. I saw a sillhouette of a tall girl and if my hearing was right, she is singing to Ed Sheeran's visiting hours.

I walk nearer and realized that it was Lisa. She had a wonderful voice and it made me fall for her deeper. I was walking to her but then I step on a stone that made me fall on the ground.

"Ouch!" I yelled in pain.

Lisa ran to help me.

"Are you okay?" Lisa asked me worriedly.

"No! My foot!" I said with close eyes because the pain is too much.

Third person view

Lisa tried to touch Jennie's toe but the kitten eyed girl whined in pain.

"Please don't touch it! It hurts so much!" Jennie said in pain.

Lisa contemplated between carrying her or help Jennie to walk back to their camp.

"Can you walk?" Lisa awkwardly asked.

"Do you think I can walk in this state?" Jennie said then roll her eyes.

Lisa just sigh and carry Jennie in bridal style.

When they arrived at the camp site they went straight to Jennie's tent. Lisa manage to open the zipper of Jennie's tent while carrying her.

After Lisa was sure that Jennie is already okay and comfortable at her tent, she decided to go back to her tent to rest and sleep. But the kitten didn't let her go.

"Lisa don't leave please. Just for tonight." Jennie pleaded with puppy eyes and pouty lips.

Lisa find it cute but she decidedto shut up and say nothing about it.

"Fine, just for tonight." Lisa said then went inside the tent and make herself comfortable.

After a few hours, Jennie is still wide awake. She can't sleep because of the unsaid thoughts inside her head. She have to let it out or else it would explode and it will destroy her.

"Lisa.." Jennie called in raspy voice.

Lisa hummed.

"Would you still love someone other than Tzuyu?" Jennie bravely asked.

Lisa chuckled at Jennie's question. "If God has planned for me to love someone again then I will surely love again." Lisa answered truthfully.

"What if I was the God sent? What if God has planned you to love me?" Jennie asked again.

Lisa was stunned by Jennie's question. She doesn't know how she will answer that question.

"If the time is right and I am fully healed, why not give it a try, right?" Lisa answered.

Jennie just answered a simple okay. But Lisa sensed that there's pain when Jennie said that word.

"Jennie, do you... like me?" Lisa asked.

"Yes, I do. I like you so much Lisa to the point that it hurts me so much because you're still in love with someone who is not even alive." Jennie said while tears streaming on her cheeks.

"I'm sorry, Jennie. Friendship is the only thing I can offer right now. I'm still broken." Lisa said. A tear escape from her eyes.

"Then let me fix you." Jennie said.

"I don't want you to be broken while you're fixing me. It's not right Jennie and you don't deserve me." Lisa said.

"Nobody get to tell what's right for me and what I deserve. Not even you, Lisa. I don't care if I get hurt, the important thing is I tried and I took the risk even if everything is uncertain." Jennie said.

"Let's try for a month. If I didn't feel anything, we'll stop but we will remain as friends. Deal?" Lisa said.

"Deal." Jennie answered.



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