chapter 17

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"LET ITTT GOOOOO! !!LET ITTT GOOOOO!!" We sang really off key as we danced, very ungracefully, all around my room.

As we went to bed (not to sleep ,obviously its a sleepover)I could just hear my mum mumbling the words to that song, I laughed to myself and turned back round to the girls who had 'stolen' my makeup and started giving each other blind makeovers
" oo me next !!" I raised my hand just for added effect.
"Yay! we though you wouldn't like this "
"Of course I do, I did this with my mum all the time when I was younger"
"Aww I can imagine you as a child"
"Sure you can jess, or maybe you looked at those old photos over there" I pointed at the pictures once again for added effect.
"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't"
Gosh I was gonna love having more of these sleepovers with my best freinds.

Around half one in the morning we started to get really tired so we played a game where we each had to say a word and take turns so we made a story in the end.also a game my mum and I used to play when I was younger.

Lucy aloneOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant