chapter 16

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"Wow" said jess
"Cool" said kayla
"Your house is gigantic "
"Thank you girls we're just getting used to it ourselves aren't we lucy "
"Yeah" I said as I breathed in heavily.

My mum opened the door and signaled us to go in.

We walked upstairs and I led kayla and jess to my room.

"Wanna watch a film?"
"Which one" I said as I lay my dvds out on the bed.
"Omg disney films are the best, and you have like all my favourites" said kayla
"Omg me too" jess agreed
"FROZENNN" we all screamed at the same time.

"EVERYTHING OKAY ????!!!!! " my mum shouted up the stairs.
"EVERYTHINGS FINE !" I shouted back.
"Whoops, maybe we were a bit loud"
"Ya think "
We all burst out laughing

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