Chapter Three

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Kagome sighed as she set down the rock, her hands throbbing a bit from the length of period she was using the rock. She looked at the weapon she made, it wasn't the best, but it would be useable for now if she needed protection. She only made five arrows and the bow, so she would have to be careful with the arrows if she wanted them to last.

Her blue eyes glanced over at the horse that was leaning against her. It wasn't the huge horse that had brought her to the cave, but a smaller version. It was cute. Many of them had come up to greet her and spend time with her. A few of them had brought her sticks once they saw what she was doing.

They were kind and very intelligent from how her interactions have gone with them so far. She had also seen different kinds of creatures or animals she had never seen before. None of them had approached her since she was in the middle of a bunch of the horses who seemed to keep away others. At least she knew the horses were protecting least somewhat.

"I guess looking for more food would be good...and figuring out how to make a container for water..." Kagome muttered to herself as she looked around her, "If I could find bamboo I could make something...I just can't travel too far without water.."

Giving a hum she stood up, giving a pet to the horse next to her who looked at her as if asking 'where are you going?' She gave a small laugh when it stood up and gave her a huffy expression.

"You don't have to get up. I am going to find some more food and see what other plants you have around here." She told the horse laughing when it stamped its front hoof on the ground and shook its head.

"Yes yes. I know I shouldn't wander too far...but I have no clue where I am or how to get supplies." She told it, laughing when it tilted its head to the side, as if asking 'What supplies do you need?'

Kagome shook her head and dusted off her shorts from sitting on the ground for so long, "I don't know if you fully understand me, But I need supplies other humans have. Water carriers, clothes, food...things like that." She blinked as the horse seemed to nod, giving a small huff as if saying 'why didn't you say so earlier. Arching a brow at the sassy fire horse she watched as it wandered away from her to approach the larger horse.

Rolling her eyes at the blatant attitude and dismissal she decided to sling her bow over her shoulder, the arrows gathered in her hand since she had yet to make a quiver to carry them around in. It was on her never-ending list of things to do.

Deciding to parch her thirst first she made her way to the small pond, weary of the small gathering of what she could only assume were some sort of oversized caterpillars. They were red, with a yellow horn on their foreheads with gold-rimmed black eyes. They were skittish, quickly running away from her to hide in the high grass.

Sighing under her breath, she kneeled to cup some freshwater and drank it down. She would have to find some bamboo to hollow to make a carrying container for water. Assuming this world even had bamboo if not she'd have to find a substitute.

"Bea~ beau!" She blinked at the high pitched animal call turning to its source only to spy an overly large butterfly, it was breathtaking. The blend of yellow, red, blue and black of its wings glittering in the light. Its sky blue eyes zeroing in one her.

Suddenly the air felt charged, killing intent rolling off the large butterfly...gulping she slowly stood, there was no way such a pure and breathtaking creature could exert such a killing intent right? She felt her body shiver as it zeroed in on her, giving a high pitched battle cry, quickly Kagome was on her feet running. Trying to put as much distance between herself and it.

Only one thought ran through her head, 'not friendly, most definitely not friendly!' She knew she should defend herself, pull her bow and arrows out to at least fire off a warning shot yet she was loath to fire on such a pretty looking creature.

"Bea!" The battle cry made her shiver as she quickly dodge rolled to the left, the air above her whooshing as an attack meant for her head missed and instead sliced through the nearby brush. Gasping she shoved herself back up, her palms and knees throbbing as she forced herself to her feet to keep moving.

She suddenly wished she had one of the fire horses nearby, glancing about, her blue eyes frantic as she tried to spot one. Of course not a single one was to be seen. Cursing under her breath she could only continue to dodge the oncoming attacks. Wincing she rolled into a tree, the breath escaping her in a pained hiss as she slammed into it.

She saw black dots as the world around her spun, forcing herself to breathe through clenched teeth she was vaguely aware of someone shouting. Forcing her eyes open she could only blink as a silhouette kneel before her, their voice warning in her ears her world faded to black.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2022 ⏰

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