This makes Rose furious. Not only did this man seem to be incompetent, but he also vanished her child's bones!

The spell to heal broken bones was a simple incantation but required very delicate wand movements that could not be performed rashly. In the field, Lockhart should have conjured bandages to put Harry's arm in a splint.

Rose would love to give Lockhart a piece of her mind in a letter but again, must think of the effects it may have on Harry if she does. Social life can be just as important as academics in school.

So despite really wanting to let out some pent-up frustration, Rose sends for some chocolates from honey dukes to be delivered to Harry, as well as a handwritten letter from her.

Even if she is frustrated with Remus's absence in his life, she still remembers the chocolate he gave her on her first day at the school.

In the letter, Rose explains that she's terribly sorry he's broken his arm, Rose remembers breaking a few bones as a seeker too. She reiterates that if anything feels off, if anything feels weird or he just doesn't feel right, he can tell her and she'll be there in the blink of an eye.

With that settled, Rose sends off Remus's Wolfsbane for the month with Winnie, watching with pride as she handles the pouch with the potions and flies out of the house.

Rose hopes that will be the end of the hysterics for the school year, Harry needs normal.

But not even 24 hours after the letter about the broken arm, Rose receives another letter from the school as a whole.

She's been informed that a child was attacked by something or someone on school grounds and was petrified.

Dumbledore assures all guardians and parents that the school has mandrake's growing and the child in question will be perfectly fine once the root is mature.

They'll keep the parents updated while they search for the culprit of the attack.

Rose is fuming. She is even angrier than before.

How can children be getting attacked?! The school is supposed to be safe. And now they have a petrified child on their hands with no idea how or why it happened.

Immediately, Rose writes to Harry checking that he's okay and that all of his friends are safe.

She also firmly demands that he tell her if anyone else becomes petrified and if anything else strange happens. It isn't a question, now. He could be in danger and Rose needs to be informed, she knows Dumbledore won't tell her anything.

Finally, two days later, she receives a three-page letter that was obviously written by Hermione but narrated by Harry.

It explains that the reason the photo albums were destroyed was because of a weird house-elf thing trying to keep Harry from going to school. It had been keeping his letters from him and it thought getting Harry grounded would keep him from Hogwarts, same with the train station portal closing.

Then at the beginning of the year, Harry was hearing weird voices and they didn't know why. Then they found Filch's cat and some water in the hallways, while spiders seemed to be running from something.

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