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I know I already had a set of rules, but they need to desperately be updated. I feel like I don't make myself clear with the rules, that and I let people break them so many times and I'm honestly tired of it. I'm not trying to sound like a jerk, but if these rules keep getting broken, then I'm gonna stop replying to roleplay messages.

I'm putting an age limit on who I roleplay with!

I'm literally 16, and I don't want someone who is damn well GROWN asking me to roleplay with them. It's just really uncomfortable, especially when you flirt with the love interest I'm playing as, it's just. Ew. Don't lie about your she either, wtf. Cause then if you're trying to rp smut with a 16 year-old after lying about your age, jail. I don't care if I'm coming across as rude with this, but it's a boundary I'm setting, especially with encounters from the past.

So if you are a TEENAGER: 14-19, I'm comfortable roleplaying with you. If you're older or younger, sorry but I'm not going to roleplay with you. Being a teenager roleplaying with teens is what I'm comfortable with. Respect my boundary.

Do NOT have your Original Character be a Mary Sue OR Gary Stu.

Roleplaying with characters that are "special" is not fun, it's just annoying. Give your characters actual flaws that impact them in the story, and not just making them shy and insecure for pity points from the characters. This is am example of a Mary Sue or Gary Stu:

"I'm a sinner that's more powerful than the Seven Deadly Sins. Every ruler has tried hitting on me or I'm good friends with them. My parents abandoned me, and I have no friends.  But I get along with everyone that I meet! If you don't agree with me on something or don't like me, then CLEARLY you're a villain! I've been through a lot of tragic events that barely effect my character unless I need pity points! Also, I can travel to every ring, even though I'm a sinner, I have a magical ability that can do that, because I'm so quirky and not like everyone else! ;P Did I say I was also descended from royalty?"

Let's NOT do that. If your characters acts like this a few times, the only reason I would be okay with it if it's a joke, satire character that is not taken seriously, and is not a self-insert. But in that case, do not do it so often, because it becomes annoying. Also, don't have your characters be like, "I'm not other boys/girls, because I'm into something that is stereotyped to my gender!" As Knuckles said, it's stereotyping the gender which completely goes against the status quo that, let's face it, just because someone is a specific gender, does not mean that they can be into something that's outside of the stereotype. It's also annoying.


It's just offensive to the people that went through that tragedy that went down in history. There are actual people who are effected by it to this DAY. Do not involve historical figures or celebrities that are deceased either, because Jesus fucking Christ. It's disrespectful. I don't care if they were good or bad, if doesn't sit well with me. Now, something that I would be okay with is your character saying, "Oh, my favorite song is made by Ariana Grande." That's perfectly fine. But if you say something like, "Oh, I met this celebrity before they passed away, and we shook hands", or "I killed this person". Stop it.

When I say have the amount of lines types mostly the same length for both your OC and my character's love interest, I MEAN IT.

If it happens sometimes, like where more than one character is interacting, I'll be understanding. But if it happens a lot, then I draw the line there, and I might even start doing it back so you know how if feels, if it happens often.

I'm gonna say something controversial, oh boy. I'm TIRED of roleplaying as Loona. There's no appeal with her character and she's so boring to play as. I wouldn't have that big of a problem with it, if people didn't ask me to keep roleplaying as her for a love interest. Especially when there is barely any chemistry between her and the OC.

RESPECT CHARACTER'S SEXUALITIES! Stolas is gay, and he's been confirmed that. If you're a female or any other gender, it doesn't work out. If a character is confirmed a sexuality or gender in the show, I'm not changing it, quite frankly. I'm perfectly fine with headcanons, though, as long as it's not been outright stated in HB.

Don't spam me. I have a life outside of Wattpad, plus that stuff makes me anxious.

Try being descriptive, and if you cannot go up to about four sentences, put effort info the response.

Smut is only allowed if I'm close to you and we both know each other's ages. It will be taken to PMs.

If my OC or the characters do not agree with your OC on something, do NOT make them out to be an antagonist.

If our OCs are in the same location for both lines, your OC is not always getting the spotlight. If you wanted them to be the main character and have mine be the side character, write your own story.

Whatever I have my OC do, do NOT have your OC do or have the same thing.

If your love interest is Octavia, your characters has to be sixteen, seventeen,or eighteen. That's it. No smut with her either, so do NOT have your OC make an inappropriate comment towards her.

Asshole OCs are welcomed!

Now when I say asshole, I do not mean them slurring and being homophobic, racist, sexist, transphobic, ableist, etc. If you want your OC to be a jerk to the main characters, go right ahead!


They get their own category. Firstly, it does not matter if your character has special abilities or not, but every single sinner is going to be allowed to travel to different rings. I know that it's not that according to Viv, but it prevents people from making sinners have more power compared to other sinners, despite them all being on the same level of the hierarchy.

Do not have your OC end up down in Hell for accidentally sinning.

Do not build up conflict just to do nothing with it. If your character is smart or able to fight well for example, do not make all the other characters the opposite. That's not how foils work.

Vic, you're not responding?

There can be a few reasons why this can be.

1) Busy with school, my business, drawing, writing scripts, with family, or my dog.
2) I'm having either a trigger from my PTSD or my mental state is horrible.
3) You broke a rule.

Tag me after two days, just to remind me. I will tell you either one of the three.

The passwords:

Favorite episode from Helluva Boss
Favorite character from Helluva Boss
And favotite song from Helluva Boss.

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