Chapter Twenty One

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"You want me to use my fingers?", Tig asked as I laid on the bed with slight frustration.

This hasn't happened before but my breasts were sore and the babies were asleep.

"Maybe my tongue?"

"Stop being nasty! This is for the babies. Just go get my pump and I'll express for awhile," I finally just gave in to the soreness that started to take over.

My husband who decided to slip in at 4AM this morning didn't understand how exhausted I was and how much milk I was producing with two hungry little nipple biters. I'd be lucky if I had any titties left when these three were done with them.

Luckily Stasi had bought me the pump with hella bags for storage. I damn near filled the freezer and fridge with breast milk. Sometimes I would let Tig have a taste but never more than once in a while.

"It reminds me of a cow. I mean- not you, I'm talking about the nipple... I'll just give this to you," Tig regretted his words as soon as they came out but he wanted to make a joke to lighten the mood. "You're so pretty."

"Alexander Trager, get out! I have spit up on my shirt, my titties are leaking milk, my vagina is sore somehow, and I'm starving. Unless you want me to treat you like a turkey leg then get out of my face. Now!"

"You're cranky and unfortunately we can't have sex which always put you in a good mood," Tig said playfully as I glared at him. "How about you rest and I'll take care of the babies for the rest of this afternoon?"

"I thought you had business to tend to?"

He shook his head. I raised a brow in question because I distinctly remember him not coming home til 4 and while I was busy feeding the babies and trying to clean as much of the mess that we had made up, he had thrown out how he was busy and would have to leave again. But I won't look a gift horse in the face and tell it to go fuck itself.



I sighed in happiness as I let my Anita Baker play in the background while I soaked in a warm bath with my favorite bubble bath. My mind was blank but I felt a little worry about how my body had changed since having the twins. I had an extra pudge that wasn't necessarily bad and I guess it added character to the fact that I had a huge butt, nice sized boobs and hips that were obviously for child bearing.

After I finished my bath, I scrubbed my face with my facial mask and then added moisturizer. I brushed my teeth and suddenly I felt an energy boost.

I didn't hear the babies as I left the room that Tig and I shared together. I hummed softly as I treaded lightly through the house and finally found Tig and my babies in the living room.

He had them facing the TV as he laid out like he was so exhausted. Josiah was slobbering all over his little fists and Kaylani seemed fixated on the TV which was playing an action movie with killing and fighting. Luckily my daughter couldn't comprehend what was going on at the moment but I didn't want her to watch something like this.

"Tig, turn that shit off. At least watch something PG for fuck's sake!", I snapped as I grabbed the remote and pressed the Disney+ button to turn to something more age appropriate for my babies. "Disney Junior or Nick Junior only and if you're really desperate then CoCoMelon or Little Baby Bum."

"Who's the parent here? And besides you were resting so let us be."

I rolled my eyes and left to go into the kitchen.

Tig followed me as I grabbed some food to make us up some dinner. He wrapped his arms around my stomach and sighed softly.

"I'm going to miss the babies being inside of here,"Tig rubbed circles into my belly and I had to admit that sometimes I did miss being pregnant but then I remembered the Hell I went through. "When can we make more?"

I scoffed.

"You're hilarious. The only reason that you got away with those two is because you were my first time and I didn't know much about sex. Didn't think I would get pregnant on the first time... Takes the fun out of sex but my doctor prescribed me some birth control to make sure it doesn't accidentally happen again."

"I'm your first? Like the first guy you ever had sex with?", Tig asked as I turned around and gave him a look.

I just shrugged not in the mood to talk about it anymore. He made me feel silly especially after he basically told me that he fucked other women while he was away from me. I gave him my virginity, yes, but I can say that I slept with my husband.

"You're my husband. I wasn't waiting for marriage, just the right man..."

Tig stared at me so deeply that I just forgot what I was supposed to be doing. He looked as if he wanted to tell me something but instead chose not to speak up. I shook my head sort of annoyed with myself for talking.

"You know I love you, right?", Tig breathed out as he moved closer, his hand still finding its way to my stomach. "I lied about the other women because I didn't want you to know how sprung I was on you. No other woman could make me feel this way and none of them even made me hard. I thought that I could go back to normal but I couldn't especially when you let me in."

I rolled my eyes.

"You don't have to spare my feelings, Tig. I'm not mad anymore."

He stood so close that I could feel every breath he took on my neck and it didn't help that his eyes were this smoldering blue and he stood over me. I tried and failed to deny him but as our lips touched, I forgot all the promises I made myself.

My mind and body were not on the same page as I kissed my husband passionately without pause and that was the moment I knew that I wouldn't leave him.

I wanted this.

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