Chapter Twenty-Seven: Honesty

Start from the beginning

"Really?" Leah looked up at her sister.

"Really." Rosie nodded. "If he makes you happy, then that's all I care about and I will support it. And he hasn't done anything wrong from what I've seen."

Leah found herself smiling. "Then that's what you need to figure out about Regie. If he makes you happy then you just might like him."

Rosie snickered at her sister trying to be the big sibling. "Okay, I guess I'll just have to figure that out then."

"Great!" Leah exclaimed. "You should!"

Rosie snickered then stared at her sister before pulling her into a hug. "Thank you Leah."

"Of course, Rose." Leah said, hugging her sister back.

"I'm going to go talk to Regie." Rosie said, letting out a breath. "Or wait until he wakes up and then talk to him."

"Okay." Leah nodded. "Good luck."

"Thank you." Rosie said.

She then stood up and made her way into the bedroom. Rosie tried to be quiet as she entered but the opening and closing of the door caused Regie to wake up.

"Sorry." Rosie apologized.

Regie wiped his eyes. "It's okay."

Rosie sat down on the bed, her back against the bedframe and she looked forward. Noticing her questioning presence, Regie sat up.

"Is everything okay?" He asked her.

"I want to talk about yesterday." She spoke. "But when you're actually awake."

"Well, thanks to you loudly entering, I'm awake." The male said jokingly.

The female found herself laughing as she hit him. "I tried to be quiet."

"You didn't do a good job." He grinned.

Rosie rolled her eyes but found herself smiling.

"What do you want to talk about?" Regie gave her his full attention.

"Well, when we were talking, you and I almost..." She tried to speak.

"We almost?" Regie knew but he wanted her to say it.

"We almost kissed." She said.

"Really?" Regie said sarcastically. "I didn't notice."

"Shut up and be serious!" The female exclaimed.

"Okay, I'm sorry." The male grinned, finding it fun to mess with her. "Has anyone ever told you how pretty your eyes are?"

"I told you to be serious!" Rosie shouted, looking at the male which she had yet to do since entering.

"I am." Regie said, a clearly serious tone in his voice. "That's all I could think about in and since that moment, how pretty your eyes are."

Rosie looked down as she tried to keep herself from smiling. "Well, thank you."

"I'm sorry if it made you uncomfortable." Regie suddenly said.

The female looked back at him, her jaw slightly dropped. She didn't know what to say, though. "Did it make you uncomfortable?"

Regie looked down but found himself smiling.

"It didn't." He spoke. "I wanted to kiss you. If I'm being honest, I've always found you attractive but I've never said anything because..."

The male stopped talking and it caught Rosie's attention. "Because why?"

"I knew I wouldn't have a chance with you." Regie muttered.

"What do you mean you wouldn't have a chance?" Rosie asked, a bit confused.

"Come on, Rosie." Regie looked at the female. "Look at you and look at me. You're way out of my league."

Rosie's eyes widened. She wasn't expecting that. However, she knew she didn't agree.

"Regie..." The female said, gaining her confidence again. "You're clearly the jock in NSB. Everybody knows that. And you know what kind of girls the jocks always get?"

"The cheerleaders." Regie said, nodding his head.

Rosie wasn't really going for that but he wasn't wrong.

"I was more so going for the answer of whatever girl they want but that works too." Rosie said. "And it's a good thing I used to be a cheerleader."

Regie looked at her. "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that there is no difference in leagues between us." Rosie said.

"So you're saying I have a chance?" Regie asked, raising a brow.

"More like a very likely probability." Rosie said.

Regie's jaw dropped and he grew serious. "You mean like if I asked you out, you would say yes?"

Rosie smirked. "Why don't you ask me out and find out yourself?"

Regie stared at the female before speaking bluntly. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

The female snickered at his randomness. "Yeah, I guess I'll give you a chance." She said jokingly.

"Hell yeah!" Regie cheered, punching the air.

Rosie snickered. "You realize we can't tell Oliver and Lexi, though, right?"

"Please." Regie scoffed. "I wouldn't say anything even if it wasn't because of our rivalry."

"Somehow I don't believe that." Rosie said, causing Regie to snicker.

"Rosie." Regie suddenly grew serious. "Can I get a do-over from yesterday?"

Rosie bit her lip through her smile. "Yeah, I guess you can."

"Cool." Regie said before leaning in.

Both him and Rosie leaned in, planting their lips on one another and that's when Rosie knew she liked him.

~Authors Note~

Boom! Hey guys! We're almost there! Just one more couple to go and this last one will honestly be my favorite to write yet, and I know that because it's going to bring the whole story together. Anyway! I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you soon. Biez!

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