Chapter Eight: Why Do You Hate The Girls?

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The day went by kind of slow. Nobody seemed to actually enjoy themselves due to the uncomfortability they had with the other influencer group being around.

The slow day was coming to an end when Leah walked into her bedroom, plopping down on the bed. She huffed just as Sebastian walked in, hearing the loud groan come from the young female.

"Is everything okay?" Sebastian asked, heading over to plug his phone in which was the reason he walked in.

"No." Leah muttered, sitting up so the male could sit down too. "I don't understand why everyone hates each other. It's not like we actually did something to you guys and vice versa. Unless there's something I don't know about. Is there?"

"I don't think so." Sebastian shook his head, sitting down beside the female.

"Then what is it Seb?" Leah faced the male.

The sudden use of a nickname and the transition caught the male off guard. He stared at her, who was only a couple inches away. Something about the sparkle in her eye as she looked to him for comfort made him blush.

"I...don't know." He cleared his throat, shaking the thoughts out of his head.

Leah groaned as she laid back down aggressively. Sebastian couldn't help but laugh as he found it cute.

"What are you laughing at?!" Leah asked, a cute but angry look on her face.

"Nothing." Sebastian said, making a face of teasing.

"You're no help!" Leah exclaimed cutely.

"Why does it matter to you?" Sebastian asked full of genuinity.

"What do you mean?" Leah sat up, looking at him in a confused manner.

"Our friends getting along." Sebastian explained. "Why does it matter so much?"

Leah looked down as she thought about the question. "We have to live together for a month. Nobody is going to be happy if we're yelling at each other all the time."

"Is that the only reason?" Sebastian asked. He somewhat hoped to hear a different answer.

"Yeah." Leah said, nothing but genuinity and innocence in her eyes.

Sebastian's smile kind of faded. "I'm sure they'll get used to each other eventually."

"I hope so." Leah said before standing up. "Thanks for the chat."

Sebastian wanted to keep the conversation going but Leah was already out of the room. Before he knew it, he found himself asleep; Leah never returning, mostly because she had fallen asleep on the couch.


It was the next day, all the girls went out shopping to film a video and get away from the guys. As for the boys, Sebastian was able to find them all together, except for his brother Oliver who was editing.

"Hey guys, can I talk to you all for a second?" Sebastian got their attention, some that were in the livingroom and some that were in the kitchen.

"Yeah, sure, Seb." Justin spoke. "What's up?"

The boys all gathered in the livingroom to hear Sebastian out, besides Oliver of course.

"I was wondering..." Sebastian felt awkward bringing it up. "Why do you guys really hate the South Side Girls?"

None of the boys were really able to answer right away, except for one.

"Jade is mean!" Darren exclaimed. "She's always messing with me!"

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