Chapter Eighteen: Angel's Confession

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It was Tuesday of their third week living in the house. Leah and Sebastian had now been dating for about a week and Jade and Darren for two days. The other roommates have also grown closer together, but none like Ryan and Angel.

The two have been hanging out a lot lately, playing video games or just talking about random things. They both were in their bedroom on their phones, Ryan laying against the bed frame and Angel laying across the foot of the bed, her feet hanging off one side and her head off the other.

Although they were minding their own business, Ryan couldn't stop staring at the female, thinking about her. He couldn't stop thinking about what Justin said, how he, Justin, would ask out Alex as long as he, himself, asked out Angel. Ryan desperately wanted his friend to be in a relationship, but he himself had never been in a relationship and didn't even know how to ask out Angel. Yet, he wanted to give it a try, and the only thing he thought of was the tough guy protector.

"Angel, sit up." Ryan said, keeping his eyes on his phone pretending to do something. "You'll get a headache if you keep sitting like that."

Angel lifted her head, looking at the male who kept his eyes on his phone. She let her head fall again, smiling at the thought of Ryan caring about her, then turned her body so she was laying on her stomach, shifting her body backwards so her feet were hanging off more and her head less.

"Better?" She asked.

Ryan looked at how she was laying and nodded, going back to his phone. He didn't know what to do or say next. Luckily, Angel lead the conversation.

"Why do you care anyway?" Angel asked, staring up at the ceiling.

Ryan stared at her, slightly freaking out on the inside without showing it. He gulped before looking back at his phone.

"I don't." He shrugged.

"Oh, so then I can go back to doing it." Angel said, flipping her body once more so she was in the previous position.

Ryan looked at the female to see her back in her previous position. He took a deep breath, trying not to show his worry. "Sure." He tried to act like he didn't care.

"And you wouldn't care if I did this, right?" Angel said, sliding her back closer to the edge where her head was, her head getting closer to the floor.

Ryan watched as the female's body started to slide off the bed. He felt his heart race as he worried for her. As she inched more and more off the bed, she eventually stopped.

"Oh shit." She said. "I can't get up."

As she squirmed, eventually her body started to slide off the bed more. This time, it didn't look willing. He shifted his body to try to grab her but he struggled to move in the sheets. Her body fell faster.

"Angel!" Ryan's heart dropped as he heard the thud of her body hitting the floor.

He moved as fast as he could to the edge of the bed, looking down to see Angel laying on the floor. Her eyes were closed and her body was still. He immediately jumped off the bed.

"Angel?!" He shook her body, freaking out as she didn't seem okay.

"Boo!" She shouted, causing the male to scream.

"Ahh!" Ryan screamed, Angel laughing hysterically. Once he realized he was being played with, he let go of Angel's arms, practically throwing her back to the ground. "That wasn't funny."

"I thought you didn't care, huh?" Angel teased the male as she sat up.

Ryan rolled his eyes and stood up. "I don't."

"Then why did you come rushing to my side when you thought I was hurt?" She smirked as she stood up.

"Anybody would have done it." Ryan said, walking back around the bed to lay back down.

"But they wouldn't have sounded like you did." Angel plopped onto the bed, this time on her stomach, her chin cupped in her hands as her elbows laid on the bed, her body facing the male. "You sounded like you actually cared for me."

Ryan rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Yeah right, like I would care about you."

Angel's teasing smile faded into a frown. She somewhat felt her heart sink.

"Oh." The female muttered, turning her body so she was now on her back looking up at the ceiling.

Ryan saw the look the female had. He thought maybe this was his chance to get a confession out of her.

"Well it's not like you care about me either, right?" He said.

The female thought for a moment. "What if I did?"

Ryan's eyes widened and Angel shifted her body about 40° so she could look at Ryan. She saw the surprised look on his face and grew shy.

"You don't want me to care for you, do you?" Angel asked.

Ryan was at a loss for words. If what she was saying was really what he thought she was saying, he wouldn't know what to do next.

"I...It's not that." Ryan shook his head, trying to speak. "I just...Nobody's ever..."

"Nobody's ever liked you before?" Angel finished his thought for him.

The male nodded. Angel just let out a single snicker.

"That's not true." She told him, looking back up at the ceiling. "You just have never been confessed to. Everyone's been crushed on, whether they know it or not."

Ryan's eyes widened. He never thought of it that way.

"But hey, now you know somebody has." Angel said, smiling at the male before sitting up and hopping off the bed.

When he realized what she was implying, he spoke.

"Angel wait!" Ryan stopped the female from leaving.

She turned around and looked at him, waiting for him to speak. "Hmm?"

He opened his mouth to speak but the nerves caused his body to freeze. She just snickered before making her exit.

Ryan sat there, frozen as he tried to put together what just happened. That was his shot and he missed it. What was he supposed to do now?

~Authors Note~

Hey guys! So I found this to be a really cute chapter. I wanted Ryan to confess but I felt he would be too nervous to right away so I'm going to drag their feelings along a little longer hehe. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you soon. Biez!

P.S I've recently just had covid and am still fully recovering so I apologize but I haven't been able to write this story much. I always update when you guys request it and I will try to write so I can still give you guys what you want but please understand if I may not get around to it. Due to covid, I am also slightly behind on my classes which are hard in the first place so idk how often I will write this. Basically I'm just asking for you guys to understand if I may not update but that doesn't mean stop requesting! I love seeing you guys want more but I just may take longer than usual so I apologize. I hope you all can understand but I will continue doing my best to provide for you guys :)

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