Chapter Thirteen: What Would You Say?

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Leah had been cooped up in her room all day, ever since Lexi talked to her. Leah was furious toward her, but she didn't really know why. Everytime she thought about Lexi talking bad about Sebastian, it upset her even more.

The boys came back after a day out and Sebastian walked into their bedroom, finding Leah sitting on the bed on her laptop. Sebastian smiled at the sight of the female.

"Hey, Leah." He greeted her.

"Hi." She mumbled, anger raging through the tone in her voice.

"Is everything okay?" Sebastian sounded truly concerned, taking a seat on the bed, facing her.

Leah looked at the male. She saw how concerned he seemed and she let out a deep breath before setting her laptop down and turning her body slightly to face him better.

"I'm mad at Lexi." Leah confessed.

Sebastian's eyes widened. He wasn't expecting that, but was curious nonetheless. "Why?"

Leah rolled her eyes as she thought of the prior conversation she had with Lexi. "She's just being over protective."

"I thought that was your sister." Sebastian snickered. Leah made a face as if she didn't know anymore. "Well, can I ask what she said exactly?"

"Well, she was telling me I shouldn't trust you." Leah started to explain. "So then I told her that she doesn't know you like I do and that you are actually a really kind and caring person."

Sebastian found himself smiling. "You really think of me that way?"

"Definitely." Leah nodded, slightly blushing. "Honestly, I've never met a guy who was as caring as you."

Sebastian smiled brighter, looking down as he did so. "Thank you. That means a lot."

"Yeah, of course." Leah nodded.

Sebastian then remembered what Leah was saying about her conversation with Lexi.

"Wait, why was I even brought up in the first place?" Sebastian wondered.

Leah stared at the male as she thought about whether to tell him the truth or not. Ultimately, she decided to do so.

"I think she feels you and I are growing too close." Leah said.

"Why do you say that?" Sebastian snickered.

Leah hesitated before saying the following statement. "Because she asked if there was something going on between you and I."

Sebastian's eyes widened. He was curious, though, what Leah thought. "What did you tell her?"

Leah thought for a moment. "I didn't really answer her, I guess."

"Well, what would your answer have been?" Sebastian asked.

Leah looked up at the male to see the look in his eyes. He seemed desperate to know, but Leah didn't know what to tell him.

Sebastian saw that the female was at a loss for words. Having this conversation made Sebastian realize how he really felt towards her, and he wondered if maybe she felt the same way.

"Leah." Sebastian said, breaking the silence. "If it was Rosie, your sister, what would you tell her?"

Leah's eyes widened. She was confused as to why he was changing the situation. "Why are you asking that?"

"No matter how much Oliver may not like Lexi or you or any of you, if he asked me if I liked you, I know what I would say." Sebastian started to explain.

"And what is that?" Leah muttered, desperate to know herself.

"I would tell him that I do." Sebastian said. "No matter how much he may dislike you, he's my brother and I trust him with my whole heart, and I know he would trust me too."

Leah was taken aback since the first statement. "You like me?"

Sebastian nodded. "I do. A lot actually."

Leah found herself smiling, mostly from shock. "I...I like you too."

Sebastian smiled back. "You do?"

Leah nodded. "I do."

"Then go out with me." Sebastian suggested, grabbing the female's hand.

"But Lexi and your brother." Leah grew worried.

"I don't care about them." Sebastian said. "They may have a reason to dislike each other, but it doesn't mean the rest of us have to. They can't do anything about that."

Leah smiled wide before wrapping her arms around Sebastian. "Yes, I'll go out with you!"

"I promise," Sebastian spoke. "I won't let them keep us apart."

"Me neither." Leah replied as she broke from his embrace. "In fact, I'm determined to get them to not hate each other."

Sebastian's eyes widened. He was curious about her thoughts. "And how are you going to do that?"

"I don't know." Leah made a cute thinking face. "But I'll figure it out."

"You're so cute." Sebastian snickered. Leah couldn't help but blush. "I'm also here if you need my help."

"Thank you." Leah smiled. "I'll probably need you for the boys."

Leah giggled making Sebastian smile. Her face then flattened as something popped into her head.

"Sebastian." She got the male's attention. "What do we do around everyone? Do we hide our relationship?"

"Do you want to hide it?" The male asked.

"Not really, but at the same time I'm not sure if anybody is ready to know."

"If you're worried, we can keep it low key for now, or I'll at least try my best to do so." Leah giggled as the male lightly body slammed her onto the bed. "But it's going to be hard."

She giggled again before pecking his cheek.

"Oh!" He exclaimed, causing her to giggle again, him smiling. "Your laugh is so cute."

Leah blushed. "Stop before anyone hears you."

Sebastian huffed cutely. "Fine."

He sat up, letting Leah do so too.

"I should get back to my editing." She muttered.

"You're always doing that." Sebastian whined.

"I'm almost done, I promise." Leah said.

"And then will you watch a movie with me?" Seb asked, pointing to the TV in their room.

Leah couldn't help but smile at the thought of cuddling with him while watching a movie. "Sure."

"Great." Seb smiled. "Let me know when you are done."

The male then laid down, closing his eyes as he faced her. She couldn't help but smile, rubbing her fingers through his hair. Leah had never been so happy to enter a relationship with someone and she hoped all she knew about him was true and that Lexi was the one who was wrong.

~Authors Note~

Hey guys! Sorry to make this only LeahxSeb based but I didn't really know what else to add. But I figured all the couples getting together will take up a whole chapter so please understand. Only six more couples to go hehe anyway! I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you soon. Biez!

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