Follow your flow

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F eelings won't let me describe what I feel right now. They're secrets I may not tell, but I should tell them anyway. If it was only easy to just go for it, to follow the spark. The confidence will be liberating, realizing you will stay.

O ak trees are invincible, and still, they're susceptible to the darkness. Their roots deep in the earth, they're still proximate to the fire that's dwelled in the sunken fastened soil. Limpid liquid lives inside of them, and they know. What must be done to reveal?

L etting it all go, which takes faith and not only in them. It's not only them, they who make you feel like it's trustworthy. It's you who must precipitate the hindrance. You're full of light, everything is one thought away.

L etters have been sent, full of promises and kind words. Fear has turned into love. Drawings of Geranium disentangled the knots. No flurry could tear them down.

O ur bond is real. The malevolence will be compliant, simplistic melodies will be exalted. The pearl is already exposed to the early morning. I know I can rely on you.

W andering in the garden, I see the trees, the flowers, the Bittersweet that shines in the sun. It shows the possibilities, the importance of all in the now, the coarseness of words. The oak trees stay, while I'm writing letters under their crowns. I'll find that spark, not yet knowing where to go.

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