Underworld (Vyne's perspective)

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They emerged out of nowhere, almost as if they teleported down here. As I near them, I notice three. Not one person, three. The person closest to me is short. Shorter than I am, at least - but I'm tall , so that's not saying much. She has a round figure, her skin, I assume, is dark but lighter than mine, although it's difficult to establish the real colour as it appears blue in the dim light of underground. Behind her, two others. Both, I assume, are guys. The one further forward is ginger - that much I can tell. He is tall. And before I can observe him further, Jamie creeps up to me, grabbing my arm which is perched on my hip.
"Are they friends?" He asks excitedly, too loudly. They hear. And I know they hear because they all turn to face us.

Sorry this one's so short, hope you enjoyed it anyway!

The Labyrinth of living حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن