Chapter 1: An Unwelcomed Return

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Rum: Hi there! My name is Rum, and welcome to Birds of a Feather! This is only the second fanfic I've ever written, and I only have 1 Beta reader (who doesn't watch MHA lol), so please be patient with me <3 I have the whole story mapped out and will be updating hopefully weekly. I plan to stay faithful to the canon plot as much as possible, with tweaks just to make my character fit more seamlessly. I will let you know at the start of the chapter any major canon deviations! I hope you love Miss Kisa Todoroki as much as I do <333333 Please drop comments, feedback, etc. - would love to get your thoughts!!



Six years, three months, and four days.

That was the last time I had been on UA's prestigious campus. I'd been about to start my third and final year ranked as top student, and was six months into my work study with All Might as the first and only work study student he'd ever taken. I had been on top of the world, poised to step into my place within hero society as the most promising number one hero candidate in a generation.

So naturally things had gone to absolute shit.

I sighed. The last thing I wanted to do was attend UA's Sports Festival, but after so long away, I desperately wanted to see my baby brother. Plus, since I'd be starting as a specialty teacher for the first years on Monday, I figured this was the perfect chance to see what my new pupils were made of.

"Are you going to just stare at the building all day, or do you think we can actually go inside?" a honeyed voice dripping with poorly disguised venom broke through my thoughts. I scowled over at the source of my growing migraine as he threw me a deceptively casual smile.

Hawks. The number three hero, tasked with watching my every move for the duration of my time in Japan. And the new biggest pain in my ass.

"What's got your panties in a twist, Bird Brat? Thought you'd be thrilled at the chance to scout out your future minion-I mean-intern," I drawled, pushing past the blonde as I continued up the path towards the impressive school.

"I hate to burst your bubble sweetheart, but I do in fact have better things to do than babysit a loose cannon like you. Not to mention, I never really got all this UA fanfare," he replied in his easygoing tone as he casually flew around me. I swatted at him as his feathers brushed past me.

"Can't you just walk like a normal fucking person? Watching you flit around like this combined with having to talk to you is giving me a migraine," I complained as we approached the front gate.

"Oh, you know me, I'm the guy that moves just a little too fast. Can't blame me if you can't keep up," he lazily replied as he flew past me to flash his hero ID to security and gestured over to me. "Hi officer, this one is with me on orders of the HPSC." Rolling my eyes, I flashed the pass the HPSC had given me not even an hour prior before following Hawks into the festival. Well, saying they gave it to me is probably misleading. More like bullied until they reluctantly relinquished it. But more on that later.

I looked towards the bustling festival, a ghost of a smile on my lips despite myself. While I hadn't entered UA in the most graceful fashion, the school had played a pivotal role in my development into a top hero candidate, something that had seemed impossible previous to enrolling. Loathe I was to admit it, without UA, I would've just been another broken soul lost in a society that failed to accept those who don't fit into its mold. Watching the families excitedly peruse stands of food and hero merch, I could practically see Rumi dragging teenaged me and Ryuko along, insisting on trying every food available at a pace even her stomach loathed to keep up with.

"Hey, are you listening to me? I said we need to go around back to the private entrance of the stadium. As much as I love being adored, it'll take forever to actually make it inside if we go through the festival," Hawks said, grabbing my elbow and shaking me out of my reverie. The last thing I wanted was to deal with legions of adoring fan girls, so I jerked my chin into a nod and followed him towards the back entrance. Once inside, we made our way through the maze of hallways and staircases, being sure to avoid crowds as often as we could. After Hawks yanked me back for the third time to avoid a gaggle of college-aged girls, I started humming the Mission Impossible theme under my breath. I could practically see him prickling with annoyance.

"Could you NOT," he groaned, just as I hit the crescendo after he had flown me to a staircase opposite of the one we had emerged from.

"Oh, not a Mission Impossible fan, no worries," I replied, as I switched to the Bond theme, which elicited another groan from Hawks. I grinned. And you thought you could saddle me with a babysitter, HPSC. I give him a week before he cracks.

Just as I began to fear that I was running out of relevant theme songs, we walked up a final staircase to find ourselves in a private box near the top of the stadium. I cocked an eyebrow at Hawks, who just shrugged. "Perks of being number three, sweetheart. Considering you're glued to me from now on, I suppose you should get used to it," he said, flopping down lazily into a seat. I rolled my eyes and purposefully sat a few seats away from him. He laughed. "Oh c'mon, don't be that way! Things will be easier if we get along, don't you think?"

I rolled my eyes again, angling my body away from him to laser focus on the stadium below. "You've done nothing but bitch about this arrangement all morning. What's with the Jekyll and Hyde act?" I snarked back.

I heard the ruffle of feathers as Hawks shrugged next to me. "I was just being honest. I can't say I'm thrilled with this arrangement, and can't possibly fathom why the HPSC is going along with your demands. Not to mention the fact that the personality you decided to develop is irritating beyond belief." I bristled at the jab, though he continued, unfazed. "But, if I have to do it, it would make my life a lot easier if we could get along."

I stared blankly at him. "So you're saying you'll be there for me?" He nodded. "Even when the rain starts to fall? You'll be there for me? Like you've been there before?" I asked, deadpanned. And people told me that binging Friends was a waste of time. The slimy smile on Hawks' face fell. He turned towards the stadium and crossed his arms, eyes narrowed at the field below.

"Never thought I'd say it, but I liked you a lot better when you were Touya's little puppet," he said icily.

I stopped my humming and cocked my head. There he is. The Hawks that I had known had been calculating and ruthless. I had been wondering when he would reveal that side of him, and here it was. A direct attack that he would know would get a rise out of me. So he hasn't changed all that much after all...

Just as I was about to say something I would definitely regret later, a loud voice cut through the audience. "Alright everybody, the moment you've all been waiting for. Time to introduce our participants!"

I straightened up and peered over at the announcer's box. That HAD to be Present Mic. Sure enough, the blonde announcer was as enthusiastic as ever, gesturing enthusiastically as he prepared to welcome the first year participants to the arena. It also seemed like there was someone next to him, though from here I couldn't make out who it was due to the sheer amount of bandaging covering the mystery person's face.

"Now entering, they've already got real world experience, it's Class 1A!"

My attention whipped back to the stadium as I squinted, trying desperately to locate my little brother. When I finally found him, I felt my blood run cold.

Calling him my baby brother felt inaccurate, because he'd definitely grown up. Actually, I realized with a scowl, he probably towered over me nowadays, and he looked like he'd filled out too. Even disguised as I was now, we still looked alike, sharing our mother's heart shaped face, sharp jawline and high cheekbones. But that wasn't what nearly knocked the breath out of my chest.

It was his eyes. Even from where I was sitting with Hawks, I could practically feel the rage pulsing off of him, the hatred shining in the depth of his eyes. My heart sank. I've been away for far too long, haven't I, Shoto?

Ah right, I should probably introduce myself before we go any further. My name is Kisa Todoroki, the eldest child of Endeavor, the number two hero of Japan. And this is my story.

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