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~ Marinette POV ~

Why was I so nervous?!

Kagami is totally getting to me! I just got over Adrien and she's completely replaced him! I never realized I liked women the way I liked men! What the heck has gotten into me?!

I sprint away from Kagami, my face practically hotter than the sun. I still have to meet her for juice later so I run home.

When I open the door I greet my parents and go up to my room, letting Tiki roam freely.

I stand in my room and walk over to my pictures of Adrien, getting quickly distracted as I take a deep breath and tear off all of the pictures that I had plastered onto the walls for so long, way too long.

I mercilessly rip all the photos up and throw them in the trash, this obsession of mine ends right here, right now.

I take another deep breath and get ready for the date, putting my hair down as Tiki helps me with brushing it, then putting on a nice dress and flats, I'm too clumsy in heels.

I get a small purse that matches the dress and flats and I fill it with some essentials.

Tiki flies into my purse along with my wallet and phone, I shouldn't need anything else.

I hope I'm not overdoing this... I thought nervously, my heart beating fast. I quickly exit my room and make my way to the door leading outside, as soon as my hand hits the door, I hear a voice.

"Why are you so dressed up?" Dad asks in a casual, joking tone, I freeze up and slowly look over to him, a smile on his face and a brow raised.

"I'm going on a date," I say, feeling some sweat on my armpits and face.

"Who's the lucky boy?" He asks teasingly, my heart practically drops as I lightly grip the purse in my hands.

"Oh don't tease her, she's probably going out to meet up with some friends," Mom says, kneading some dough with her hands, my heart beats at a more normal rate as I sigh with relief.

"Alright, alright.." Dad mumbles, jokingly rolling his eyes.

"Now go have fun, sweetie!" Dad encourages me, grinning.

"I sure will!" I exclaim, shielding my fear with joy as I push the door open and walk out, excited but nervous.

As I walk along the concrete path leading to the cafe we would meet up at, my body starts to shake, I don't know how it happened but it felt...wrong. Something wasn't right.

"Marinette? Marinette!" I hear a familiar voice call as my heart drops.

It's Kagami.

[Moving On] [A Marigami fic]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora