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~ Kagami POV ~

I returned home and greeted Mother, then begin my homework, I didn't have any practice that day so I just studied most of the afternoon, thinking about Marinette from time to time throughout, when I had finished all my schoolwork, I got ready for bed, brushing my hair and teeth and putting on my pajamas.

I lay in bed, thinking about her as I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up and gently turned off my alarm clock, then got ready for school, putting on my clothes and brushing my hair and teeth. Then putting on my shoes and grabbed my expensive bag, grabbing some food on the way out for lunch.

(Time skips to when she's in the same class as Marinette.)

I gazed at Marinette throughout the lecture, then the teacher called my name.

"Kagami!" She yelled, I turned to her, my hands folded neatly on my desk.

"What is the current class discussion?" She snapped, I replied smoothly with the correct answer, she glared at me and continued teaching.

"Famous people in the history of poetry," I said, my voice not too loud but not too quiet.

"Well done," Mrs bustier exclaimed, clasping her hands together.

"Now, students, let's go over Shakespeare facts," The educator announced, turning to the board, writing "Shakespeare"

The class continued, then I went to my next classes, and just like that, the day had ended just as fast as it started.

This day went by fast... I thought, as I walked and admired my surroundings, I notice a familiar face, it's Marinette! I realize quickly. Should I walk up to her or let her come to me??? I wondered, knowing I had to think quickly. It's best if I'm not awkward, I'll walk up to her. I took a deep breath and walked over to Marinette.

"Hello, Marinette," I greet her, my face feeling hot, Marinette's cheeks turn pink as her face twisted into an awkward smile.

"Hi, Kagami! Do you wanna go get some juice?" Marinette asked me nervously, sweating a bit.

"That would be nice, I'd love to. I'll have to go home to get ready first, though," I shyly mumbled loud enough for Marinette to hear, Marinette nervously grins.

"Great! I'll meet you there!" Marinette said in a happy tone, we say goodbye to each other and Marinette runs away.

Why was she so nervous..?

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